The Outlaw | Teen Ink

The Outlaw

December 13, 2016
By Anonymous

The whole story started with a small “transaction” at a bank in Mexico.  I walked in, gun hidden under my jacket, Bowie Knife under my sleeve.  I walked in, some people staring at me.  There were only 7 people in total.  I took out my gun and shot.  I locked the doors, and we were all alone.  I went up to the bank teller and took all the money.  Then I started the murder.  Blood stains everywhere.  I was down to the last person, but I was out of bullets, and my Bowie Knife was stuck. 

I ran outside, and stole the first horse I saw.  The horse was drunk, but I took it anyway.  It asked me for booze.  I said no.  I took off to find a new city in Mexico.  I rode and rode.  The cacti was passing me fast.  After an hour.  I took a rest under a rock formation that looked like a finger.  We ate some bread and I counted the money I stole.  I had no beer, so Hotdog was upset.  He needed booze fast, or else he would be sober. 

We slept at that rock for the night.  And in the morning, there was trouble.  People were pointing guns at us. 

“Money, or your life.” 
“Money.” Hotdog said.
“We have none,” I said.
“Well, then you have to die.” said the robber. 
“Not if you die first.” I said.

And I took them on.  2v1.  It was a showdown, and I only had 2 bullets.  I shot the first.  He fell with a blood stain on his shirt.  I then ducked behind a rock, as did Hotdog.  I peaked over, and saw the bandit pointing.  I rolled out from behind the rock, shot, and made it behind cover.  I hit the bandit right between the eyes.  I then grabbed one of the bandit’s flask’s and handed it to Hotdog so he could drink.  I gave it to him without realizing he already stole one of their flask’s.  So I was mad at him for taking another flask and getting even more drunk. 

I was travelling on Hotdog, making my way through the harsh desert, when a town came into view.  I was relieved.  I can settle for a while.  In the first week I was there, I had a house and a small stable for Hotdog when he came back from the saloon, drunk.  I had money, no one knew me, it was the perfect escape.  One day, I was sitting in my stable, Hotdog at the saloon.  I had a new Bowie Knife and another gun.  Double the power.  Then, someone barged in.

“I’ve been looking for you Jack,” said the intruder.
“Who are you,” I asked.
“I am Clyde Cameron, the man you left behind alive at the bank.
“Ok well, sorry about your family, but I really don’t want to talk to you.”

I saw him, sweat beading down his face.  We were ready to fight.  But I didn’t want to.  I just wanted a peaceful life.  The whole town didn’t know me.  It was good.  I was happy.  Then, Hotdog came.

“Clyde, you’re alive.” said Hotdog.
“Yes I am buddy,” replied Clyde. 
“Well, now it is time for both of you to die.” And just like that, Hotdog had 2 guns at his sides.
“Why Hotdog?” asked Clyde.
“Because you didn’t search for me sooner, and I honestly hate Jack.  He doesn’t give me booze.”.

So it was a standoff.  Everyone was ready to shoot, even Hotdog, and he was a horse.  I stared in both directions, looking to see who would shoot.  After 1 minute, Clyde whipped out his gun and shot, but Hotdog was quicker.  He killed Clyde, and now it was just me and Hotdog.  He walked forward, and I was too scared to shoot.  Hotdog shot me point blank and killed me.  It was my time to go.  But by a horse, seriously.  The End

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