Strange Old Man | Teen Ink

Strange Old Man

December 24, 2016
By MonkeyGamerYT88 SILVER, Sacramento, California
MonkeyGamerYT88 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last year, We were walking and saw this one old man.We always see him walking to this cemetery so we decided to follow him.

“Hey let’s follow this strange one man” said Alex[a].

We followed him to the cemetery and as we followed, we smelled dead bodies or raw meat.

“What’s that smell guys? Said James.

We were communicating as we did we lost the old man. I was walking and opened[b] the gate for James and Alex. As we entered the smell had gotten worse every step. We heard tapping sounds and we were scared.

As we were getting deeper in the cemetery we were stepping in puddles of water and suddenly the tapping sound stopped. We saw a lot of mausoleum’s and i felt like like a force next to me. As the force was next to me I froze and couldn’t move. All i could move was my eyes.

“Hey! Why did you stop walking?!” whispered James.

James felt cold air behind him and he turned around. James saw nothing and so he tried to run to the gate in front of him to get out but, all of the sudden the gate had closed. James had gotten so scared so then he fainted to the ground. Alex was watching me but, as soon as he saw James fall on the floor he ran towards him and held him by the head. When Alex was holding James he turned around to look at me but, then i had disappeared.

Alex had nothing to do so he grabbed James and dragged him to the entrance and tried to open the door and escape from the scariness.


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