The Hunt | Teen Ink

The Hunt

January 26, 2017
By Sagerebel18 SILVER, Salem, Oregon
Sagerebel18 SILVER, Salem, Oregon
7 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
Michael Jordan

(Ring, ring)  “Hello?” Ben said in a sleepy tone as he answered the phone.  It was three in the morning.  Ben began wondering who on earth would call at this hour of the morning.  “Hello is this Ben Hunter?”  “Yes this is, may I ask who’s calling?”  “ Oh, please forgive me.  My name is Maddie Bear, and I was calling to let you know you won a moose bow hunting trip in Alaska.”  All of a sudden Ben jumped to his feet with a shout of joy.  “I can’t believe it!”  Then he wondered if this was a scam.  “Is this some type of scam?”  “No sir, this is Alaskan Hunting Adventures, My brother Joey has been looking at all your Hunting posts, and let me say you’ve killed some monster Bucks, and Bull Elk.”  After talking with Maddie a little more he figured out when he was going.  Everything was paid for, and he couldn’t be anymore happier.
Just a few days later he finds himself in beautiful Alaska.  He began checking all his gear, and his clothing.  He checks his handgun when he realises he only has one bullet in the clip.  Hopefully he wouldn’t be needing to use it at all.  After he was finished his hunting guides took him scouting for the next day's hunt.  It was exciting to think about pursuing Alaskan Moose with his bow.

Now Ben wasn't the strongest or the most muscular man.  But he was definitely athletic and fast.  He had brown eyes with pitch black hair.  He stood at a good 5’ 9”, and had the look of a basketball player.  Throughout his childhood his grandpa taught him how to hunt with a gun.  But when his grandpa James died Ben lost interest in gun hunting.  Ben had shot bows since he was three years old, and always loved shooting his bow.  Now he has an awesome opportunity to take down a Moose with his bow.

With only a week to hunt for moose everything was on the line for Ben.  On the first day of the hunt a bunch of warnings went out of a man-eating brown bear in the area.  The bear was reported to be a bruiser of a bruin, and had the head the size of four official size basketballs. “I wish I had more ammo for my handgun now.” He quietly said to himself.  Days flew by quickly without any shots taken at a moose.  There had been many opportunities, but not a real ideal chance to let an arrow loose.

(GASP!!!) Ben woke up with a jolt.  He was drenched in sweat after dreaming of the “Man-eater” killing him on this trip.  After he calmed down he packed his gear up and got ready for that day's hunt. “  Luckily that was just a dream.”  He whispered as he headed out into the tundra with his guides.  His guides warned him that the bear has been getting closer to where they were to be hunting.


(Deathly Screams) Ben let down his bow string.  He was about to shoot at a nice bull moose when one of his guides 50 yards behind him in the brush screamed bloody murder. Something big was running around in the brush.  Ben waited patiently, when suddenly his second guide screamed a scream that was haunting.  Then he heard a roar to his left not 20 yards into the bush.  He began sprinting the opposite direction looking for a big tree to climb up.  He had no idea what was chasing him.  It could be a cougar for all he knew.

(25 minutes later)  Something finally broke through the brush.  Ben looked over his shoulder, and to his dismay saw the man-eater closing the distance with blood dripping from his mouth.  As Ben turned back to keep running he saw a good size tree about 50 yards ahead.  He knew that this was his only chance of survival.  The beast kept gaining distance; Ben could practically feel it breathing down his neck. 

Stamina is running low for Ben but there is an endless supply of adrenaline.  30 yards, 20 yards, 10 yards, then suddenly Ben's legs disappear from underneath him.  As Ben’s flying through the air his bow comes loose from his tight grip and falls to the ground.  When he lands he is unable to move both of his legs.  “ Son of a motherless goat!!”  He painfully bellows out.  He pulls his handgun out and angrily took aim at the blood thirsty beasts head.
(Blam!!) “Shoot!!” The bullet didn’t penetrate the skull instead it just bounced off as if a pinecone hit the bear.  As the bear drew near Ben grabbed his knife and was ready for a curve ball.  Or so he thought.  The bear grabbed Ben by his busted up legs and started tearing Ben to bloody ground up meat.  (Bang, Bang, Bang) Gunshots rung out from Ben's left.  The beast fell dead on top of Ben. Three blurry figures sprinted toward him and pushed the bear off of Ben. As they pulled Ben out from underneath the bear he passed out from loss of blood.

Bright lights blinded Ben for a second, but as he blinked and looked around him three armored figures sat patiently in the corner.  The leader stood up and walked toward Ben. Now if you ever have played the video game Halo you would be just as awe filed and confusion.” Master Chief?” Ben struggled to say. The soldier just chuckled and took off his helmet. “Nope” chuckled the man. “

Let me introduce my friends and I.”  said the tall man.  As the other soldiers took their helmets off Ben shuddered.  He recognized one of them as Maddie.  ” To your left corner you have MBear, to your right corner you have Joe Man (Aka, Joey), and I'm Slayer, but you can call me by my first name, Isaiah.  We saved you from that bear, unfortunately your guides weren't as lucky.  We are a special unit of search and rescue called the Spartans or the Wilderness Athletes.  We were on a training mission when we saw you being destroyed by that bear.  You are lucky sir to be alive. “  Ben sat up in the hospital bed and looked at the three Spartans.  “ Thank you so much for saving my hide from Bloody Ben the bear. I don’t know what to say to be frank, but thank you all.”  Ben said as tears formed in his eyes.  All three of the Spartans nodded and shook hands with a trembling Ben.  As they put their helmets back on and are leaving Master Chief placed something at the edge of Ben’s bed as he was leaving. When Ben grabbed the box, he had a strange feeling. With trembling hands Ben opened the box to find the bear's skull inside. With a feeling of accomplishment Ben fell asleep with ease.

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