The Dead Thing | Teen Ink

The Dead Thing

December 12, 2017
By Anonymous

"Don't look!" My mom yelled as she drove down the road. Sadly, it was too late my kindergarten sister Anne already saw it.

"MOM," She screamed "IT'S A DEAD DOGGY!" My Mom tried to calm her down, but if you didn't know, it’s kind of hard to get a little kid to shut up while you drive a car. My brother and I decided to be great sons, so half way through the ride to school we interrogated out sister on what she saw. She only said,

"It was a big dead doggy!" She was still distraught about what she saw, but my brother and I didn't stop questioning her. We knew it wasn't a dog because there was only one dog in our neighborhood, which was a dumb little chihuahua named Queen. After Anne stopped crying, my brother and I started to whisper as quite as our voices could get. We wanted to know what the ‘dog’ actually was, so we had made a plan. After school our baby sitter, named Nicole, would pick us up because mom had to work until five on Wednesdays, and as soon as we got home from school Nicole had to put Anne to sleep for a nap. Right before Nicole puts Anne to sleep we are going to ask the sitter if we can go outside and play. The road with the dead monster was only a couple blocks down, but the fastest way to get there was going down my backyard. This was the problem. Our backyard was on a hill which was really steep, so it was like repelling down Mt. Everest. If we survive that then we should be able to walk down the road and see the dead beast.

Right before our mom dropped us off at school we finished the plan, but the most important part was that we couldn’t tell anyone. My brother said that if I did tell Mom or Nicole that he would tell the monster under his bed to eat me in the middle of the night. Last time that happened, my mom had to make a special batch of monster spray that scared them all away, but we ran out of it about a week ago. I kept my mouth shut because I knew what was good for me.

As soon the teacher let my class leave the room I was flying down the halls and I jumped down the stairs. When I walked out of the school, pushing passed the two big doors with the school colors purple and white on it, I spotted the babysitter. She was trying to calm down Anne and it didn’t look like she was doing a very good job because all of the other kindergarten parents were shielding their kids from what was going. I walked away and tried to act like she wasn’t my sister. Once I saw my brother, I started to play with his third-grade friends. We played superhero tag, which was basically tag, but when your were it you got to pick a superhero to be. I chose to be the hulk when I got tagged, because whenever you were close to people you could do a hulk smash and freeze everyone around you. As soon as I was about to tag Ian, Nicole called for us to get in the car. Instead of ignoring her like I normally do, I sprinted to the car because I wasn’t going to risk getting sent to my room and messing up the whole plan.

As I opened our house door I did what I was supposed to and played on my iPad. My brother told me that he would make a bird call when the babysitter put Anne to sleep. And sure enough, ten minutes of fake playing on my iPad later, I hear the call.

“SQUAK!” He yelled. Now it was my turn. Acting like a ninja I climbed up our old stairwell without making a sound. I peeked my head into Anne’s room and snuck up on Nicole. I tapped her on the back and she jumped.

“What do you want?” She grumbled.

“Can Ian and I go outside” I asked trying to make a straight face because I knew if she said yes then our plan would work.

“I guess.” She replied. I hopped out of that room and didn’t look back. I ran down the stairs and opened the back door. There Ian was holding a pencil and a notepad. He told me that if we had proof of the dead monster then we would get on one of those Disney channel Halloween specials. Before we started climbing down the hill my brother forced me to climb up a tree to get some good walking sticks to walk down the hill. I was too excited to see the monster to argue with him, after all he did have the notepad, which was the only thing that would get us famous. Ian started climbing down the hill first and I was close behind. About half way down instead of putting my stick in the ground, it hit a pinecone.

“IAN!” I shrieked as I slid down to him. Ian made the bad mistake of actually caring about me, so he turned around and soon found himself sliding down the hill as well.

Luckily, there was a lot of tall uncut grass at the bottom of the hill we fell on. Ian told me that if the grass was cut, we could’ve died. We brushed ourselves off and made sure that the notepad and pencil were ok before was started walking alongside the road. Cars were flying pass us like rocket ships because it was rush hour, or at least that’s what Ian said. About five minutes of walking as fast as we could we got to the corner of the street. That is where the ‘dead doggy’ was.

“Stop.” My brother ordered me. I responded with a salute and yes sir, but he ignored it.

“Do you see it.” Ian asked. I shook my head, and as soon as I did I saw it. It was this huge brown monster with horns like the devil. It had a ton of little flies trying to suck up all of the monster’s

blood. “On go, we are going to run pass the cars and see the monster thing close up. Just like they do in those TV shows.” I nodded again because I knew exactly what he was saying, but halfway through my nod he yelled,

“GO!” I didn’t realize what was going on and my brother must have realized that to because he stopped in the middle of the road to yell go again, but this ginormous truck stopped him. It was going full speed and my brother wasn’t. Ian stood still of about one second looking at his impending doom then he decided to be superman. He flung his body to the opposite side of the road and did a summersault. It was quite incredible. I ran across the road my brother almost died on as fast as I could to see if he was ok. He was sobbing.

“Ian, what’s wrong?” I asked puzzled.

“T-the monster. It-its Rudy.” As soon as Ian said that tons of memories flooded my head. Rudy was one of the deer we got to help save at a summer camp last summer. He only has antlers on the right side of his head because something very bad happened to him when he was young, the camp leaders told us. Once Rudy got better he needed a forest to go to and my mom told them that we had a nice place he could go. Ever since then he has lived near our house and one time he even got to let us pet him! Once I understood what happened to Rudy I started to ball. For some reason, I looked down at Rudy and immediately regretted it. The corpse was bloody, but not fresh blood. It was dried onto the dear and made it look like the dear was wearing a red shirt. At first it seemed as there were sticks in the side of our dead friend, but it was his rib cage. He must have been hit by a car when he was crossing the street.

There we were, the two of us on the side of the road next to a dear corpse crying. It was sort of funny. We went out there hoping to get on Disney Channel and we come back with dirt on our pants and tears on our cheeks.

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