My moment | Teen Ink

My moment

March 10, 2018
By P.Scott BRONZE, Claremont, California
P.Scott BRONZE, Claremont, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A boy who goes pro in the NBA. After his first game he gets paralysed from waist down. he finds his passion again with the paralympic basketball team.

Chapter 1: It all begins

I came out 10.8 pounds and 22 inches, the average baby is 7.25 pounds and 19 inches. I was born on july 19, 2000, I was a particularly big baby, I was black with dark curly hair, and a pair of Brown eyes. My Mom named me Scott after her father. He was a basketball player in College, a pretty good one to be exact. She said even at birth I reminded her of him, because of my size of course (her father was 6’7), she said I had a striking resemblance, and she knew in her heart that I would be a basketball player. My Mom had an uncanny gift at predicting the future, and most of the time she was right, her name was Martha Henderson. A sweet little lady with long, curly black hair, and the same brown eyes that I have. She had been the rock in my life. Then I never knew my father, my mom always told me that the one thing she couldn’t predict was my father leaving her after my birth. It’s the one thing that lead me to having trust issues in people, and for that I will never forgive him.

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