A Strange Wish | Teen Ink

A Strange Wish

May 22, 2018
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, in a place far away there was a little boy who dreamed of many things. Many outrageous things. Perhaps the most outrageous thing he dreamed of was the little pebbles and rocks on his feet to be the clouds way up high above his head. The spectacular thing about this young boy is that he does not stop at his dreams. He makes them come true. He ventured across the plains into the stormy mountains and the fiery deserts to find the man who would supposedly have the power to grant his wish. He arrived at the grand castle that glistened under the sun. The castle was encased with precious stones and gems. He walked in through the big wooden door in the front of the castle. There was a huge hallway with a carpet in the middle. The little boy followed the carpet to the end where he found an old man sitting on a throne covered with jewels. He begged and pleaded the old man to grant his wish but the old man kept shaking his head and eventually muttered “I do not have the power to do that”. The little boy did not hear him say this and ran out the door in anger. He went back to his home where he had buried an ancient stick. This stick could grant any wish he wanted, but it would come with consequences. He did not want to ever use this, but the old man left him no choice. He would not let his dreams only be in his head. He raised the stick without hesitation and stated his wish for rocks to be clouds. The stick flashed a mysterious purple and crumbled. He looked up and saw huge clumps of gray objects in the sky. It had happened. The clouds were now made out of rocks. He jumped and yelled in celebration. However, in the midst of the celebration he did not realize what was happening around him. Everyone was running around in panic as rocks rained down on them. Many people were being hit as they tried to get indoors. There were cries of confusion as nobody knew what was going on. The boy was too wrapped up in his accomplishment to care about any of this. He carelessly went back home and looked out the window, admiring the “clouds” as society crumbled around him.

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