The Case of the Missing Phone | Teen Ink

The Case of the Missing Phone

May 30, 2018
By Epjaffe BRONZE, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Epjaffe BRONZE, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I turn the corner slowly, ducking to conceal myself. I grip the bottom of my weapon and look over. The thump of my heart speeds up, as I see something astonishing.
     Hi, my name is Isabella Gardner, and today I’m starting the most important case in the history of the Gardner household. It started earlier this morning, my sister screaming, my brother playing video games, and my parents rushing to get errands done. But today there was one thing off-- my mom yelling across the house looking for her phone. Now usually this would be pretty normal, but she also can find it after about 15 minutes. But, today it was different. She spent about an hour marching about the house. But that’s when I realized that I had to take matters into my own hands.
I start some light spying, planning each individual suspect; My brother, older, but also too lazy to hide a phone; and my sister, younger than me, she’s smart but that’s for her age, meaning she can’t tell a horse from a pig, let alone hide a phone. I begin to plot out my path, knowing that whoever in my house it was must’ve known what was coming. I trace circles after circles of where the phone could be. But each time, I circled, went and looked. This led to a seemingly unending cycle. I spent the whole night, well, before my bedtime looking for the phone. It seemed as if I’d never find it, and in fact, that was the case. Until I found something pretty peculiar.
    I woke up to the early sounds of the birds chirping and then a loud growl. “Not again, Georgie!” I spit. The thump of the hollow steps startles me as I march downstairs to give him his daily food as well as his medicine for his fleas. As he slurps up his wet dog food, I sit down, reading my plan of attack. I begin to slowly and carefully check every room, looking for any traces of the phone, but that's not what I found. However, what I did find was Georgie’s footprints, covered in mud and dirt across the living room floor! Oh, wait, back to my plan. I army crawl through my house like a cow with no legs. That’s why my mom calls me ground beef from time to time. Still, no traces of the phone. I shuffle my way across the shaggy carpet, hearing the area beneath the stairs shake, due to the fact that nothing in it.
  I slump down in to my chair and hug my “Hello Kitty” pillow. This is not what I thought. I was hoping to have succeeded, but now I'm a failure. I picked up the suspect list. Ready to throw it in the trash, when I heard a loud BANG!. This had to be it, this was no coincidence. I was going downstairs. But first, I needed some weapons
     The sound of the shaggy carpet against my feet is the only sound in my brother’s room. But even if there isn’t much sound in there, there is a lot of smell. I don’t know what he’s hiding but I have a hunch it may just be a dead rat. Or it’s just his smell. I search for the materials, as well as ammunition. Finally! The forbidden fruit, my brothers nerf guns. Grimacing, I grab the gun and slickly crawl away. Now it was time to suit up. I grabbed my moms mascara (or as I call it, warpaint) and firmly place streaks across my face. The fluff of the teddy bear against my skin is extra protection. I swiftly duct tape the bear across my body like battle armor. I then grab my pillow and strap in to my head, and finally the weapons. Stretching the belt across my chest I grab my gun, ready for the investigation of a lifetime.
     I crawl down the steps as I hear a loud pounding noise. As I get farther down, it continues and it gets louder. I see the door shaking under the stairs. I then turn the corner slowly, ducking to conceal myself. I grip the bottom of my weapon and look over. The door creaks open and the thump of my heart speeds up, as I see something astonishing.
     Georgie slowly walks across the floor. As he moves I see not just the phone, but all the missing things that we’ve lost in this house.
Sitting back in my ripped hello Kitty chair, I look back on what my suspects could have been. My dad, my mom, my brother, and my sister, but I would never have expected to be my dog.


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