The treasure | Teen Ink

The treasure

December 16, 2018
By LauraQuintero BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
LauraQuintero BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As seven silly seagulls swam in the sea, a pirate witnessed their feathery flock fly over a golden island.The pirate guided his ship full of mates to this island that was full of treasure. Palm trees danced with the wind and birds sang out their hearts as the ship started to arrive.
The island was full of treasure as the world was full of water. The golden treasure kept piling on each other that it almost touched the moon. This island was slowly becoming a horrific place to live in. Space was extremely limited; the pirate invaded this island and took over as if it was his home.
The treasure always felt warm as it sat there on the island while the sun shone on it. Jewelry, doubloons, and silverware felt nice in one’s hands as it’s warmth filled one’s heart. However, some of its treasure was sharp and deadly as anything.


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