My name essay | Teen Ink

My name essay

March 1, 2019
By 0della BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0della BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is the sound of the engines screaming, and the bright colors of the drivers helmets speeding by. This is where I’m most comfortable, the race circuits, wether is be local, or distant in the hills of North Carolina. This is where my name, Zach, is most expressed. The name is aggressive and dominant although can still be formal and serious in situations.

The name coming from a Hebrew and meaning “Remembered by God,” this does not do justice to explain my name. My family is not religious, only going on special holidays. The Hebrew, Zacharia is not described how I imagine myself. Clean and open scents like the ocean. Tropical smells like the fruits on the beach. Smooth like glass and silk.

My name comes from my brother. He was also once a kart racer, he never reached the national level. I am told that my name was originally thought of because it was one of my brothers old friends. He is tall and skinny and very different than me, Doug had been brought up the similarly to me, however made very different life-changing decisions that turned his life into nothing. My mom and dad then decided that Zachary would fit me much more than my original named that was planned, Nathan.

I do not see myself as a Nathan, nor do I ever want to change my name to something else. At this point, Zach is my identity and I love how people pronounce my name with emphasis. I get told my name gets said with authority. Nathan is a name that seems to much like a follower, rather than a leader.

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