A Button | Teen Ink

A Button

April 3, 2019
By miamiamoo BRONZE, St. Johnsbury, Vermont
miamiamoo BRONZE, St. Johnsbury, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Now this may sound confusing just hang in there. Here how it goes:

A man who looks dirty, and looks like he has nothing comes to your door.You open it thinking he may be homeless.The man looks pleased to see you open it and hands you a button.You look puzzled but all the man says is.”This button can save everything or destroy everything.The ones you love may die or they may live.”You try to get more out of him but he just leaves.Now all you are thinking is ‘does this actually work.’ or what will happen if I do press it.’What will you do.

Go here to play some.willyoupressthebutton.com/

This all comes down your morals. Would you realy risk it,how do you know bad stuff won’t happen to you down the road.How do you know you can trust someone.Forever it will get worse and worse until you pass it on starting the cycle again.If you think you can destroy it,think again it has been in this world this long and people have probably thought to destroy it.I the end you are stuck and no matter what you do it will never be enough to stop the cycle from repeating.

If you are having a hard time you’re supposed to.This game is to test what you would do in a situation like this,this game is to test your morals.So if you ever get the button .DON'T PRESS IT . See this article wasn’t so weird now was it. Tell me what you would do I would love to here.

The author's comments:

I like to talk about morality. And how sometimes people will sometimes chose to save them self insead of the latter.

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