Anxiety | Teen Ink


May 22, 2019
By lpapp13 BRONZE, Ravenna, Ohio
lpapp13 BRONZE, Ravenna, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If anxiety were a person she would be neurotic and terrified. Not crazy, wild, and free but terrified to meet new people and go out. Anxiety would stay up all night worrying about things that are yet to happen and maybe never will. Anxiety likes to worry over nothing. She likes to freak you out over a little problem. She often thinks so much that she makes herself physically sick. But anxiety can’t help the way she is. If it were her choice she would want to be crazy and wild enjoying life. But instead she's stuck here sitting, waiting for the worst to happen. Anxiety has the habit of smoking, she says it helps to calm her down. Anxiety has a lot of secrets because she is too scared to get too close to someone and tell them. She tells no one who she really is. She has no one that she can trust. She has acquaintances not friends. She fears that if they knew the real her they would leave her just like they did in the scenarios she made up in her head.

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