Where did the O go? | Teen Ink

Where did the O go?

May 29, 2019
By IdOnTkNoWmAn GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
IdOnTkNoWmAn GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I looked for O inside the slot of a candy machine. I found him; he was trying to get some candy for himself while acting as a coin. I called out to him, telling him that I would pay so he could get some candy. I started yelling, “You’re going to get stuck in there, come out while you still can!” He didn’t listen to my pleads and crawled further into the abyss. The machine made a noise identifying that the amount of money that you needed to purchase the candy has been reached and that I should pick a candy, but I didn’t want the candy, O did. I tried calling out to him again with no answer, which in hindsight, I should have expected since he didn’t have a mouth. DING! An idea shot into my head like a bullet. I could press the button which would usually give you your money back and O should come out. So I pressed the button and at first, nothing happened, but I kept pressing it. Finally, O squirmed out of the hole. I promptly filled the machine with actual money to let O pick which candy he wanted. He picked B12, Twix, my favorite. It turns out he just wanted to give me a present for always watching out for him.

The author's comments:

I wrote a short story about where the letter O went.

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