The feeling of not being wanted | Teen Ink

The feeling of not being wanted

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

He felt sad every single day when coming home. He felt unwanted or not needed, but really he wasn't. He felt as if he wanted to move away. He always had to keep his thoughts and emotions inside him and not let them out. Every day after school he would have to endure his parents critiquing and saying something negative about everything he did. He felt as if he would fail or something was wrong with him. Until one day he couldn't take it anymore, he let all his feelings and emotions out. When the parents saw this they felt bad and told him that he is useful and they just want him to have a good life. From that moment on he was happy to come home and see his family. He was happy to know that he was useful and wanted. 


The author's comments:

Its about how this boy that feels as if he is not needed or wanted by his family.

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