The day I met you | Teen Ink

The day I met you

March 15, 2021
By sondshayroln23 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
sondshayroln23 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember when I met my best friend, the Fourth of July, the air smelt warm and gross, the type of air that makes your hair puff up and your nose stuffy, It smelt like beer, it was loud, there were boat horns and loud drunk people. It wasn't quite dark yet, we played bags in our backyard as we saw the boats filled with people go by. They pulled into my driveway, I was slightly nervous because it was my first time hanging out with them. An hour went by but we were all laughing and talking, and from that moment forward he was my favorite person. We got on to the lake and the farther we got out towards the fireworks, the thicker the air got and the louder it got, the worse it smelt. We swam through the fireworks, laughing the whole time. We got back in, it was so dark. My family loved them. We sat in my room until 2 am, his mom came to pick them up, a couple of days after he left my house, we talked for days on end. His family and he left for vacation, and I almost felt lonely, I couldn't talk to him all day, and I was too nervous to ask him to hang out. It all started from that day forward, I knew he would be the person I need the most. Our relationship was filled with a lot of love and laughter. It felt safe to know I had someone to talk to, it looked very happy. It still is all of those things. I thank him every day for it.

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