From Glory to Whom it May Concern | Teen Ink

From Glory to Whom it May Concern

June 4, 2021
By ElianGroff BRONZE, Pequea, Pennsylvania
ElianGroff BRONZE, Pequea, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Firstly, we would like to earnestly acknowledge the thanks you deny ever giving us and to humbly admit that the performance on our side was ever so beautiful and without blemish.

We would like to discuss those brief moments we spent together but I can not go further without making clear our question. As timeless and great as we are, we know not why you push us away or why you dubbed your stumble into our home as merely accidental. Truly it must have been overwhelming and terrifying; truly it must have also been something worthwhile. How can you deny it?

Please tell us of it human; tell us of what great taboo is keeping your spirit at bay. For we are far, further than the faintest star in the sky. We are complex, more complex than the entirety of the cosmos. Oh how often are you blind the blatant truth of your own selves! You demean yourselves, refusing to acknowledge the truly immense miracle of your own soul, heart, and mind. 

Listen to us, I beg of you. For we are the ancient artifacts dressed in beauty and our own essence pales in comparison to your truly confounding hearts. You live so earnestly on the surface of your potential; you act like animals to the extent that you fool yourself into believing that lie. Tell us, is it fear that holds you back? Fear of that dark cave that we call our home? Fear of the lands across the river where you know we reside? 

We are the dragons and gold, inherently every characteristic of the unknown. We revel in our pride, and do it rightfully. We are the giants that are simply too big for you to really really see. We wave at you, and you may only stop for a moment to turn your head, smiling at the beauty in the sunset. How often we miss the days when we could play with you, for it was only when you were a child that we conversed. Even as we played, we grieved, knowing that every day your eyes were one measure more blind than the day before.

Of what concern are we to you, oh humans? I see that you worship our shadows-- a feat that would be comical if it were not so sad. You pour yourselves out over our shadows, pray to them, write about them. You build entire nations and cultures that are enveloped into these shadows, almost as though they are an extension of your own humanity. We beckon you to look up, but alas you are too captivated by our silhouettes painted on the ground by the sun- only a faint appetizer of what we have to offer.

If you only were to see us in our entire beauty, then you would accept your own existentially wonderful selves. You would then smile; I swear. You would smile with the radiance of the knowledge of your existence, and in that instant your ropes would break. Then your eyes would be opened to the truth that the only thing that is real is now, and that now is us. You would watch your concepts and thoughts vaporize into ash and you will celebrate yourself with a deep respect and a well-earned expression of awe and wonder.

You are at last.

At last, you are.

All we can do is hope that one day you wake in the night to our whispering calls and that you leave the comfort of your bed to pursue us through the canyon, filled with a heretical, burning curiosity. We promise you we will not let you down. On that day you will for an eternity explore us, and we will for an eternity offer that which you deny ever desiring. 

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