Never Ending | Teen Ink

Never Ending

October 6, 2021
By Anonymous

My name is Amango and for 10 out of the 16 years of my life no one has ever died. I was born June 2, 2005, and it is now November 6, 2021. As a kid growing up I did what most couldn't. I said bye to my great grandpa who lived a long 105 years. My family and I expected my great grandma who was 90 at the time to go right after him, but she never did. 10 years later and my great grandma, now 100 years old, was still alive, but not well. 

Her body couldn’t keep up with her mind and it seemed like her soul had left her crippled body behind. This is what scientists classified as the never ending world. My great grandpa was the last reported death for the past 10 years and once this news leaked out to the public, chaos started. People started testing the limits of this Apocalyptic event by seeing how much pain they could endure before dying and never finding an answer.

 This world has been rid of death and been brought down to nothing but pain. I still live a pretty normal life though not having to worry about the day my family would die is honestly kinda satisfying. I like knowing that they will never leave me and we’ll be together forever. I just wish my great grandpa had stayed, it hurts seeing my great grandma alone and miserable. I participate in a k-12 homeschooling program with my siblings, Amarata and Amaru, both names meaning immortality just like mine in Greek mythology. My parents found it appropriate since we would never die. Like a flock of birds we were always together.

That was until one day a man with the code name Reaper was born into this world. As far as punishments went for those who caused chaos or caused agony to others they were cut into nothing but a head and locked in jars to spend the rest of their lives. The man known as “The Reaper” though could never feel pain. Although being a mere human this man was just like the Grim Reaper, I guess that’s why he chose his name.  The police had been hunting this man for a long time ever since this entire delima happened. The Reaper was the only one capable of bringing death to those who wished for it. In a kind of way he was seen as a god, a symbol, an escape. The day I met him was the worst day of my life. It was in my living room after going out to hang out with some friends. 

When I got home I found him standing over my great grandmother's body, with a grim mask he looked at me. I could see his eyes through the mask pulsing as if he was some maniac. He had a dark aura and I felt so much fear by just looking at him. He then took the knife he used out of my great grandma's throat and instantly, almost like he teleported, came to my side. In the darkest tone of voice I had ever heard he said, “I am the sanctuary for those who are lost, I am a god, I am The Reaper.” Then he vanished as I fell to the floor slowly crawling to my great grandma who laid lifeless on the floor, my tears started pouring out like a broken faucet. My tears were coming so fast it felt like I was flowing in a tsunami. But then suddenly I realized after looking at my great grandmother, she was smiling.

Did she want to die? Why would my great grandmother want to abandon this life she had were we not good enough? No it’s not that she hated her life, she just wanted to be happy with the man she loved and he was gone now. It’s not fair we were ecstatic and everything was amazing, so why did he kill her? I thought the world was better off without death, but I guess I was wrong. Maybe everything isn’t all rainbows in the end. As I layed there with my hands on my head trying to regain the little of sanity I still have.

 Then I heard faint footsteps from outside, it must be my dad finally coming home after work. What should I do? Should I hide the body? Do I tell him what happened? Then I heard car eyes fall behind me and the footsteps got louder and faster. My heart was beating faster every step until I noticed I was the one running. Why did I run? I wasn’t in any trouble so why? I don’t want my dad to think I did this. I don’t want to suffer the same fate all those criminals did so I ran. Leaving everything behind all because one man took my great grandma from me. I will never forget those eyes that left me still, that knife that killed my great grandma, or that mask that scared the living hell out of me. Reaper I am coming for you. 

The author's comments:

I'm a Junior at Pasadena Memorial High School.

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