Everlasting life | Teen Ink

Everlasting life

October 7, 2021
By Nickthetrumpet04 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Nickthetrumpet04 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The family is in a big gathering because their grandma died from cancer, and everyone was leaving from the area then something happens. All they hear is a voice say, “Where are y’all going.” It was grandma that came out of the room and then they all walked to her. John said,” I thought you were dead.” Present-day, grandma I can't believe you are still we all thought you were dead. Jesus was looking around trying to figure out how grandma is still alive and how everyone else is alive. The world is weird there are so many people that should have been dead and now they are alive forever. The families are excited to see their loved ones, but the world does not have enough space on earth to keep all these people. Jesus was thinking of things he can do to help the world and make things better and to reduce the space on earth. Jesus called his friend John and then asked him to come over then Jesus called his brother James to come with him and john because they needed help. John showed up and asked if Jesus was fine and asked if anyone was good and Jesus said, “we are all good.” A car pulled up next to their house and James came out of the car. James yelled, “How you been little bro.” Jesus said I've been good and a just thinking about things. James “what things are you thinking Jesus. How would it feel to not live anymore and just die? James looked confused and john was just shocked. Jesus what do you mean not to be alive. We can't die but we can get hurt and have other things happen. James what are we going to do with some of the old people because we are losing room on this earth. John had an idea and asked if James is still working at the space program. James said “yes I am “then they asked if they could take the old or families to other planets. John and Jesus and James rushed to the car and went to the space program. Then James goes in to go talk to his boss and then they decide to send the families to space to make room on earth. They go and take votes to see who wants to go to space or stay on earth. They get the spaceships ready, and they get the votes in at least ten percent of the people what to go to space and that was not enough so then they made people go to space. The moon was the first place they were going to stop first and make people stay there. The people wanted to go to other places than the moon, so they went to other planets and something bad happen to one of the rockets. One went into flames and people died in the ship they didn't know something like that would happen. The people that died on that ship were some old people and some young kids.  

The author's comments:

This story was about people not dying forever and then something bad happen.

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