World Without Death | Teen Ink

World Without Death

October 8, 2021
By Anonymous

In a world where everyone is immortal and nobody can die, you would think the world is unstable and it would struggle due to limited resources, but actually, in this world, it’s quite the opposite. The world is controlled by one big powerful government called the Population Control Government (PCG). There are many strict laws and regulations which allow the world to carry on without falling apart. Nobody owns vehicles to keep the earth's climate stable. The world has new technology in order to use renewable energy to sustain the environment. Only a few people think about trying to overrun the PCG due to them feeling imprisoned by the government, most who try do not succeed and are put in a special prison.

Grim is a working scientist for the PCG, controlled like a puppet, he is ordered by them to create a substance that can put anything with a beating heart down as fast as a light being switched. The PCG wants to start injecting this substance into people who try to overthrow the government. Once the PCG used the substance on test subjects, Grim realized that what he created shouldn’t be used on humans. Seeing life being taken away too fast opened his eyes to what he had actually created. He came to realize that his substance in the wrong hands could be a big problem, causing a weight on the world. Grim in the next few days creates a new antidote; it cancels out the effects of his first creation. He then decides to form a group of people who share the same ideas as him, people who think the PCG is too powerful and need to be stopped. With all the Einsteins in Grim's group, they formed a good and efficient plan to infiltrate the PCG, destroy the substance and overthrow the government. Once he gathers his group, they enter the headquarters of the PCG imposing themselves as employees to get to the substance. After they reached the substance, they used the antidote to destroy the original substance Grim created. 

With the alliance Grim formed, they are able to, as a team, successfully complete their mission to seek and destroy the substance and finish off the PCG. As a result of the group's bravery, the world is now protected from the PCG ending people’s lives.

The author's comments:

Reading different kinds of dystopian novels helped me make this story.

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