No Afterlife | Teen Ink

No Afterlife

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

The world is changed by society. We as a society always think about the future and imagine the changes and how it will affect the future once we pass away. Different people have different imaginations, but no one will know since growing up and aging is a natural cause. However, what if no one ever dies?

           In this world, you can never die, to some that might seem astonishing because most want to stay alive forever and do everything they dreamed of, but as time goes on, will it be entertaining after you've already accomplished everything? Will It get exhausting repeating the same lifestyle and seeing people trying to change it?

           A boy named Curious who was fifteen was always wondering to see what the afterlife would be like. He disliked this society, no space at all, no room to move because the population kept increasing and increasing. Although it was nice to stay this way forever, he wanted to experience getting old and thinking about the afterlife. He wanted to plan out a funeral and go to them and experience what it's like to lose someone who died of a natural cause. Instead everyone just accepts it and repeats the same life as if they were a vampire going on one hundred years old. Unfortunately, everyone stops aging after their fifties. It was always weird going out for a walk and seeing fifty year old “kids” calling their mother who was also fifty Mom. Curious was even more outrageous seeing people still having children knowing that the population was insane and food supply was getting low. He understood that humans were born to live or reproduce, but most try to spread the word not to because so many times Curious had to skip dinner because all the groceries were out of stalk, but society and the government sugarcoat so much of that.                

           The dark side of this is many cases of mental health issues. Left and right there have been news reports about people dying “unexpectedly”, the news says it was an accident but Curious knows the real reason. He knew that most decided to stop worrying about bumping into every shoulder trying to get home and he knew they were tired of people getting lied to like a child asking if the easter bunny is real. As a result they decide to see what the afterlife is really and leave this world. Curious wanted to experience it , but realizing what you had to do made him nervous. Many have died just to prove society is heartbreaking but the population just ignores it. Curious also wanted to stay alive to hope, hope that one day maybe he can stop this and create some type of cure to make everyone age naturally. Unless he gathers everyone to agree with what he's saying, everything will remain the same.  It was going to be a difficult process even if it worked because it's hard controlling everyone at the same time. In the end, Curious will never grow up and tell his grandchildren what life would be like when they all grow up because he's going to be right beside them.

The author's comments:

Its mainly foused on a what if scenerio so we can compare our lives to the story.

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