What if no one ever died ? | Teen Ink

What if no one ever died ?

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

What if no one ever died ? Would society remain the same ?.....

If no one ever died the world would be completely chaos, the world would be over populated, people would have a harder time finding jobs, food would become scarce, literally everything would go wrong. 

Bob was the prime example of someone who could survive and thrive in an over populated world. Bob is a 144 year old man who suffers from severe chest pains and bone aches, so his grandaughter clarissa lived with grandpa Bob to help him around the house and with whatever else he needs.

 Clarrisa is a 14 year old ordinary girl who loved life due to the fact that she was young and didn’t have and outrageous pains or problems yet in life. Bob isn’t liked by the man, the myth, the legend himself, Cameron.

 Cameron was a local kid who is very known for trouble, causing problems, and basically just walking around like he owns the place. Bob had a few encounters with Cameron but not like the one that happened two weekends ago right outside the corner store. Bob was walking out of the corner store and he was seen by Cam, Cam then came up with a plan, he did plenty of harsh, evil, flat out cruel things before that day but that day he wanted to do even more.

 Bob got into his car after getting some gas but he accidentally forgot to shut his gas tank cap. Cameron carried around matches because he found thrill in setting things on fire, he knew that he couldn’t kill Bob if he threw a match in his gas tank and just blow the car up, so he threw a match into the open gas tank causing the whole car to literally explode into pieces but not only was the car in pieces, Bob was missing a few limbs after the incident. Bob sat there in terrible pain, his body looked like he had been attacked by a shark in the ocean, literally in terrible living conditions. Bob had no choice but to just live with the pain of missing a limb when all he wanted to do was end all the pain and get out of his misery by dying. 

Bob was denied helped at the hospital because there was a huge  waiting line due to the over population and everybody was sick and old, with them wishing they could just get out of their misery.

 Back at home Bob really needed Clarissa to do everything so her childhood was really taken due to the fact that she had to take care of her very elderly over aged grandpa. Clarissa actually only could attend school once a week because the school couldn't hold many people so they had scheduled days they had to go to school, so education wasn’t really a strong suit in the overpopulated world.

Bob spoke to Clarrisa “you have it so good in the world, you dont experience the pain of being an elderly person just yet so cherish these teenage moments”..

The author's comments:

Im 16 and was interested in writing this book.

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