A World With Desires | Teen Ink

A World With Desires

October 18, 2021
By Ciro BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Ciro BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the time span of two years from 2053-2055 were one of the craziest series of events.A character named Duke the leader or the nimble of the group,followed along with the rest of his friends Connor,Dennis,& Kai collected the biggest stash of junk food accompanied with any enjoyable treats sweet bread,chocolate, cips etc...With those being interdicted & were illegal from Howardsville the state where they grew up at led to the larceny and destruction of stores.It had been two years since they destroyed the society stores, and it looked like a tornado went through the city but were rebuilt and filled with ONLY healthy foods.

       Duke followed by his friends were now sixteen in the year 2055,in those two years everyone ran out junk food or unhealthy foods.So the desire rose for enjoyable food days,weeks,months pass by until,August 10th Kai accidentally mentioned “the stash” they’ve been collecting since they were fourteen in a class with Dennis.When Duke and Connor found out they immediately ran to Kai then dragged him from out the class to discuss the situation they were soon to be in.

      They decided to run off into the woods leading to Duke’s house where they would move the stash to if anyone understood what Kai meant by saying, “When are we going to fulfill our desires and eat out our forbidden stash” jokingly to Dennis.The next day, everyone in the school came up to them questioning them about what Kai meant about what he said.Eventually,it came to the point where they had made up so many lies everyone started to question them progressively,so they decided to move it to a abandoned house.Where they would gather all their belongings and run away from their parents...

The author's comments:

My name is Ciro and this piece could be something spectacular, but i used "healthy foods" instead of anything else for school purposes.

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