Student Should Go to College | Teen Ink

Student Should Go to College

December 8, 2021
By Anonymous

Did you know that more than half of the students that graduate from high school in America chose to go to college?  The rest of the students usually get employed at some job. Either they stay there because the more experience and the longer you stay there, the better and higher position, or they may switch to a different job that pays better than their previous one. Also, most occupations need diplomas from college to work in a profession like; accounting or becoming a nurse. Students that go to college may consider going there to pursue their passion or dream for the future. It also allows them to experience life outside the home. In other words, college may be fun and full of adventure. Students should go to college because they can have the opportunity to see and experience different types of cultures of the world, to use the education in their future, to meet others that would be your network support, and to find the right direction in life.

To See 
Seeing the world allows many students to discover different cultures. That does not mean students have to travel. The vast majority of the time, students can read different types of books to know how their own or other cultures are developed into the lifestyles there are today. Or students can always ask their classmates that are from a different country how they got into the society they are in today. Asking others will give you more information than just reading it in a book because they live in their culture and have more understanding about it. Books on the other hand are good sources if the other student does not know much about the country's culture. The way students express themselves can indicate what type of style they might have; such as what kind of clothes they wear or what type of food they eat. There is a chance that you might meet a student in college, which has a different style than most students. One blogger from Global Campus suggests students, “Get a feel of their voice, tone, interests, customs, and styles.”(How to Experience Other Cultures When You Can't Travel). Doing all these things will give students a feeling of discovering the world without going outside the campus. Not only that, but it gives you a chance to make new friends and get a snippet and enjoy their culture

To Use 
The ultimate goal for students is to use the education they receive in college for their futures. Classes in college will help students be “equipped with practical skills and knowledge that you can apply to your workplace.”(Cornerstone University). One of the main skills students learn in college that will be used in the future is being a confident learner. Almost the same as if you do not have the confidence to do something, you will not succeed in that category. Having confidence in yourself will boost your ability to succeed in college. In that case, if college students do not have faith in themselves, college will be a struggle in their life. The more students gain confidence in college, the more successful they are in their workplace.

To Meet
To meet others that would be your network support when school life becomes challenging. Meeting students that are different  from you can benefit you in the future. Making friends is a fantastic choice in college; students that have more friends in college always have benefited from anything they might need in college. Students all have different styles, interests, and ways of getting things found in college. Meeting people is always hard, but be yourself. Do not  hide the truth. Students that try to hide their true selves, will find out that college is going to be harder, then for the rest, that know themselves and embrace it. Another reason is knowing a little about everything will make it a little easier to communicate with all kinds of people. Find a student with a common ground state as you. “Similar experiences, shared hobbies and other mutual interests can bring people together and make conversations much more interesting.”(usa today) In that case, friends are always there for one another to lift each other up in the hard times of education and life.

To Find and Focus
Finding the right path in your future is difficult. In the past paragraph, we talked about having confidence in yourself, which is almost the same. This will be a challenging paragraph to read if you have never tried to find the path that will suit you the most—in other words, knowing yourself. Try thinking about subjects and activities that you were interested in before. Do not let people choose the pathway of life. . Don’t let anyone have control of it. Make sure the career that is chosen is not because caused by others, like friends going into that career. Choose what occupation would be best for the future to enjoy and have. Focusing on education is very important so do not forget to stay healthy. If one’s health is not good then focusing on education may be difficult. Do not make bad decisions like, stressing a lot, take breaks if needed, talk to professors because the health of anyone’s being is very important. Mental, physical, and Spiritual health may all affect education. Make sure to be well, and take care.

In conclusion, students should go to the college to see, use, meet and find student interest in different types of occupations  in college. Doing these four things, students will know alot about different cultures, people and more.They would learn to respect others, have friends and be with one another, which might be different from you. They would be able to use the education they had learned for their futures. Will students be able to leave college with colleagues that will support them ??? Last but not least they will be able to find themself in the big world that we are in today and even find things about themselves that they never knew about.








Works Cited

“College Graduates Statistics.”, 22 Sept. 2021,,recent%20college%20graduates%20were%20employed.&text=As%20of%20October%202020%2C%2074.7,to%2082.3%25%20in%20October%202019.

Community, CB, et al. “Choosing the Right Path in College.” CollegeBasics, 6 July 2020,

“Five Reasons Why Education Helps to Advance Your Career at Any Level.” Cornerstone University, 22 Sept. 2021,

Goldman, Jeremy. “10 Ways to Make Friends in College.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 30 July 2012,

“How to Experience Other Cultures When You Can't Travel: UAGC: University of Arizona Global Campus.” UAGC, 31 May 2017,

The author's comments:

I wrote this essay to give some reasons why students should go to college and that college does not have to be a stressful life.

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