Hard Work Pays off | Teen Ink

Hard Work Pays off

December 9, 2021
By RTB16 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
RTB16 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ugh, Good Morning. Good Morning Asher, said Coby. Coby and I got up for breakfast. It was cereal, again. I walked outside after I took a shower and Coby and I played one on one. We were playing for a while until the other kids came outside and we started to head inside. Coby and I got to the door and stepped inside, then ouch! My shirt was pulled back and I fell on my back. I heard another thump on the ground after me. It was Coby. I looked up and I saw Randall and his gang of bullies. They stepped over us and walked outside with the rest of the kids. Coby and I got up and walked inside. Coby and I know by now that telling Mrs. Rose would not help us get him in trouble. 

Coby and I went upstairs and sat in bed. I looked at the ceiling for about ten minutes before I yelled for Coby. I asked Coby if he wanted to go to sell more candy bars to get enough money so we could go to the 76ers game we have been saving up for since last summer. He agreed and we were on our way throughout the neighborhood. I sat down on the sidewalk after Coby and I had been out for about two hours. Coby sat down too and we agreed that it was time to head back to the Orphanage. Coby and I stepped inside and we were in a good mood because we were only one hundred dollars away from having enough money to go to the 76ers game we have been saving up for since last summer. Coby and I went upstairs to our room and went to sleep. Good Morning. Good Morning, said Coby. I got out of bed, went downstairs to breakfast and then took a shower. Coby and I wanted to spend the whole day selling candy to save up for the 76ers game we wanted to go to. We needed to save up enough money for the game by July 18, so we can have enough time to buy the tickets for the game against the Celtics on July 19. Coby and I spent about three hours selling candy that our legs and feet couldn't take anymore and we had to stop but we had made our one hundred dollars. We were so happy because we had finally saved up enough money to go to the game. Coby and I got back to the Orphanage and had dinner. I fell into my bed and went to sleep right as my head hit the pillow. 

I got up the next day ready for the 76ers game Coby and I were going to tomorrow. Coby came into my room and asked me if I wanted to go buy the tickets. I said yes and we bought the tickets. We didn't have bad seats, in fact we were in only the twentieth row. Coby and I knew we needed to have good seats for the nba game so that's why it took so long for us to save up. Coby and I stepped into the bus and walked down the aisle to the back of the bus. The bus ride was long but totally worth it because when we stepped out of the bus our eyes were struck by the big, large, amazing looking stadium. We were almost frozen still, gazing at the monstrous stadium. We could hear all the fans chanting and cheering before we even got close to the stadium. Coby and I walked into the stadium feeling so good and excited for the big game. Coby and I sat in our seats and watched the players dance across the court. Coby and I sat there the whole game watching as the 76ers pulled away on an 11-2 run to beat the Bulls. I sat there even after the buzzer sounded, feeling so alive and at home. ¨I got up and walked out of the stadium with Coby and we both didn't talk the whole ride back to the Orphanage where our real home was.¨ Coby and I woke up the next day feeling good, because we had that amazing experience. Coby and I agreed that we will practice playing basketball everyday so that we can get to the NBA some day. 

With the second pick in the NBA draft the Philadelphia 76ers selected Asher. I rose up from my seat, my heart was racing so fast. I walked up, hugged my family and friends and then Coby. I told Coby I was not happy today until he got drafted as well. Coby said ¨you should be happy now, but you will be more happy when I get drafted¨. I walked up on the stage, took the hat and the jersey they gave me and posed for the photos. I sat back down in my seat and waited for Cobyś's name to be called. I waited, and waited, and waited, but I didn't hear Coby´s name. At the end of the second round of the draft the 76ers were up to pick again. I crossed my fingers and I had butterflies in my stomach. The announcer said ¨with the fifteenth pick in the Nba draft the 76ers selected Coby Watson¨ I jumped out of my seat and hugged him so hard that in that moment he might have bursted open. Coby and I left the NBA draft that night feeling more alive then we ever have. We were finally home.

The author's comments:

This story is very heartfelt.

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