Choices | Teen Ink


February 16, 2022
By ayoung123 BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
ayoung123 BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day Avyon got out of bed ready to go out into the world and see what it has in store for him today. He did his normal house duties around the house and was getting ready to leave. He was looking for his bag because he was getting ready to visit the gym. So he checked everywhere up the stairs in his room, living room, dining room but he couldn't seem to find it. There was one more place he didn't look and it was down stairs in his basement where he keeps his man cave so, he started to walk down the stairs and as he was walking down the stairs there was something on the third step going down. So he stepped once, then twice when he got to the third stair he slipped and fell back and hit his head hard on the stairs. 

Right when he hit his head he went into an unconscious state when he thought he woke up he was lost for words didn't know where he was didnt know who to go to. In reality he was still knocked out on the basement floor unconscious. He started walking around in a dark room trying to find out where he was then out of nowhere the lights shut on and he heard a voice that sounded like he looked around and saw a person that looked just like him he didn't know what was going on he was shook. Then out of nowhere another person that looks like him came and another one came. He started looking around wondering what was going on and where he was all he could see was three people that looked and sounded just like him. 

The first avyon started talking to him letting him know what was going on and how he got there. Trying to help him understand what was going on and why he was there in the first place. The second avyon started to tell him his life and what he does as a person he went to school to become an engineer but that did not happen he became a personal trainer for those in need of a better workout life. So the third avyon took the floor and started talking about how his life was growing up and what he became. He became an Nba player that played for the La Lakers. He worked so hard to get where he was. The first avyon was the last to tell everyone how life was for him. 

He grew up and went to college and majored in engineering right after he was done with college and became a mechanical engineer working on cars and motorcycles. As Avyon was listening to these stories he was catching on to what they were saying and these are all life choices that he had growing up but he didnt know which one was best for him when he was younger. The first avyon said “yes i'm glad you understand” they were showing him this because they wanted to show him the life styles he missed out on. So Avyon was just standing there trying to wrap his head around everything and how he got there and why this is happening to him. The first Avyon told him he was there because he was having trouble having a normal life so that's why he was there so he could talk to himself about all the things he could have became.So Avyon started to understand that he was just in his own mind. 

The original avyon thought about the different life choices he made for him to get to each of the positions the other three ravens were in he asked all three of them what type of struggles and hardships it took to get there. The first avyon said it took him four hard years of late nights and long days to get his college degree for his bachelors in mechanical engineering.The second avyon said he spent 2 and a half years in school for mechanical engineering where he studied day and night to become the best mechanical engineer he could be. Then the third avyon started telling the original avyon how he became an Nba player playing for the La Lakers. It all started when he was a kid he pushed himself to be the best basketball player he could be. He worked on his craft every day and stayed in the gym. 

The original avyon then understood that you have to put in the work if you want to be successful with anything you do in this lifetime. He then thanked each avyon for telling them their life stories and what they went though and also how they accomplished their goals and what they wanted to do in life. Then the first avyon said “i'm glad you understand what we were trying to get across to you because don't forget we are you”. The original avyon knew he was in his mind the entire time he understood he was talking to himself in his mind. He was glad he was able to talk to each avyon about there life styles and how they got there and how they did it. So he told them all thank you and bye and then he slowly started to open his eyes and once his eyes was all the way open he noticed he was in the hospital. He was in the hospital because of the damage he took from the fall. When he got all the way up the doctor came in the room and said “I'm glad you are up you have been out for about a day. 

Avyon was shocked he didn't know he was out for that long but he was glad he was able take have someone to talk to even if it was himself in his own mind. So he finally was able to go on with life in the way he wanted to.

The author's comments:

I am a senior in high school and I play basketball.

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This article has 2 comments.

Ember1017 said...
on Feb. 23 2022 at 4:47 pm
Ember1017, Las Vegas, Nevada
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Ember1017 said...
on Feb. 23 2022 at 4:46 pm
Ember1017, Las Vegas, Nevada
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I like the story and the meaning behind it. but it progresses too fast so it feels like you reading:,and then this and then this and then this but it was all a dream the end