The Travel | Teen Ink

The Travel

April 20, 2022
By Anonymous

The robber enters the museum undetected. 
He looks to the left, no guards. 
He looks to the right, no guards. 
The robber enters a dark hallway. 
Still no guards. 
The robber approaches his prize. 
A large blue diamond in a room 
It is surrounded by cameras. 
The robber does not panic. 
He goes to the wall and presses a switch. 
The cameras power off. 
The robber sneaks in and takes the gem. 
He then attempts to leave the room. 
Suddenly, an alarm sounded. 
The robber tripped a tripwire. 
Guards rush in and catch the robber. 
I am on a camping trip with my friends. 
Julie loves to hike the mountains. 
Richard likes to sleep in our tent. 
Harry hates the woods at night. 
I love watching the sun rise over the forest. 
The air feels nice and warm. 
We love to go swimming in the afternoon. 
The lake is so refreshing. 
I am on a road trip with my family. 
My father is driving the camper. 
My mother is the cook, preparing food as we drive. 
We have no destination. 
We just want to drive around the country. 
First, we drove to Nevada. 
The Hoover Dam is massive. 
I can see Area 51 in the distance. 
I wonder what is in there. 
Next, we went to Wyoming. 
Yellowstone is amazing. 
The grass is so green. 
There are so many geysers. 
Finally, we went to Colorado. 
The mountains are beautiful. 
We then returned home to Arizona. 

The author's comments:

I am a student at a high school in Arizona.

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