Fall to Winter | Teen Ink

Fall to Winter

April 21, 2022
By Anonymous

Fall is probably my favorite time of the year. It’s not too hot, it’s not too cold, it’s just perfect. Don’t even get me started on all the beautiful colors. All the beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows, that just mix together and create the most amazing color pallette. To be more specific my favorite part of fall is that part right before Winter hits right after halloween. I guess you could call it Thanksgiving time.

This is the time when it starts to get a little cooler, all the family starts coming together for the holidays, and you can just smell the joy in the air. Sweater’s have just come back into season and it’s literally so amazing. It’s like walking out with a warm fuzzy blanket in the form of a shirt and they're so comfortable. 

Thanksgiving is my second most favorite holiday. Just because of all the good food, and all the family that comes together. It’s always a good time of the year. After being apart for so long and having to communicate over the phone it’s nice to finally see them in person and be able to hug and spend quality time together. The food is just a bonus, but it’s a bonus that I will never complain about. 

You know that cool breeze in the 60-70 degree weather? Yeah, well that’s my kind of weather. It’s the kind where you can sit down on the front porch, listen to the wind and see all the leaves falling and changing from a bright green to a pastel, beautiful yellow, or orange. This is the weather that allows you to cuddle up with your other half and enjoy some coffee or in my case a cup of hot cocoa, which is just as good! You don’t walk out and immediately start sweating and begging for A/C like during the summer or, have to layer up in like 2 pairs of pants, and 2 pairs of coats like winter. You just walk out in some comfortable sweatpants, and a light hoodie or t-shirt. Just how I love to be comfortable. 

Despite all of these amazing components of the fall season, this year, it’s going to be my all time favorite season. Merely for the fact that I am having my first baby girl in October. Definitely has to be one of my biggest blessings of all time. Fall will forever live in my heart. 

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