Unfriended | Teen Ink


September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

           It was a winter morning in New York City. I vividly have the smell of New York style hot dogs engraved in my mind. The snow that was swelling up the city's streets at the time led me to call Shawn, a star basketball player in New York. He called his girlfriend Debbie, and asked her if she wanted to hang out. She Said “yes but I'm with my friend Sharell so bring a friend so she's not alone he said“ okay I'll take Max. He proceeded to tell her to meet up at the park. An hour later they met up at the frozen up park, they sat down and started to catch up. Soon after, they realized that they started to get hungry, Max then remembered there was a pizzeria across the street and said that they should go there to eat. Crossing the snow covered street, a random guy asked If they wanted to buy drugs, they group of friends said no and walked away. Max sarcastically turned around and said “we should’ve bought some of the drugs”, Shawn rapidly turned around and said, "Are you crazy? that is bad for you and, I'm a Star athlete I can't do that” Max said "I was joking dude chill” they all walked into the pizzeria and sat down. All of a sudden Max looked over at Sharell and whispered in her ear, Sharell looked at him with her mouth open and then said, "Dude you're crazy, but let's do it" they turned to Shawn and Debbie and said “we will be right back” and walked out of the pizzeria. They were gone for a while so Shawn and Debbie finished their food and decided to go back to the park . When they got back to the park they sat there for 15 mins then Max and Sharell showed up looking very suspicious. Shawn said "Finally! What were guys doing it took y'all  forever” they both sat down and smiled and in sync they both said "Don't be mad but we bought something”, but we can’t show you here so let's go to my house” they all got up and went to Max's house and the whole way there both Max and Sharell were acting very suspicious. They finally made It and Max said “okay look what we bought '' he then pulled out the bag that the guy by the pizzaria was selling. Shawn looked at them and said " Are are y'all crazy what are y'all planning to do with that” and Max and Sharell again in sync said “ Use it duh”  Debbie looked at Sharell and said "What is wrong with you, you've never done this before" Sharell responded with “it's fun let's try it” Both Shawn and Debbie said no while Max and Sharell started using them. Shawn could not believe what was happening he sat in silence while Debbie just let it go and kept having fun and talking to them. He continued to sit there in disbelief and in rage. He didn't like what he saw but he realized all teenagers do it and even though they do it doesn't mean he has to do it. He sat there watching his friends do  something he never thought they would do. After a while of sitting there thinking about what was going on he looked at his friends and realized that what they were doing was really bad. He felt sick, so he left his friend's house. On his way home he looked at the time and realized that it was still early in the day so he decided he wanted to go get shots up to get his mind off of things so he texted his Coach and asked if he can open the gym. His coach responded and said “yes, be here in 15 minutes!” Shawn ran blocks and made it in 10 minutes. When he got there, he greeted his coach and as soon as he got near his coach an odor came from Shawn. The coach stopped what he was doing and said "Shawn look at me In my eyes” Shawn proceeded to look up and his Coach said " what is  the most Important rule of being a student athlete "Shawn said "'well there are multiple". The coach looked at Shawn even harder and said “I am going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest with me” Shawn said “ of course  coach I’m always honest with you” Coach then asked “ Have you smoked?” Shawn said “no sir I haven't”. Coach did not believe him and started yelling saying “ That makes no sense you have a really strong smell coming off of you, I am calling your mother”. Shawn's heart dropped and he said “ No sir I promise I didn't do anything”. After an hour his mom showed up to the school furious and yelling “ who do you think you are doing things like this especially when you're an athlete”. Shawn sat there trying to explain himself to everyone but nobody was listening  to him so he felt defeated. Since he was the star player this was a big deal so of course they were super mad about it. The coaches, the principal, and both of Shawn's parents were sitting there talking about what had to happen. Shawn was stuck in the gym rethinking everything. He was upset, and didn't know what to do or what would happen. He finally grabbed his phone and saw he had a lot of notifications, he opened them and realized someone recorded the whole thing and posted it on social media and now everyone thinks he smoked. He was upset and called Max, he picked up and said “yoo bro I seen what happened are you good?” Shawn said “No bro can you help me and tell them I didn't smoke and that it was all y'all”. S-I-L-E-N-C-E, silence that's all Shawn heard for a few seconds then he hears “ look bro I would but then i’ll get in trouble for smoking, so keep me out of this as a matter of fact don't text or call me because I will not answer” Then he hung up; he sat there in silence and in disbelief. Everyone walked up to Shawn and looked at him, his mom said “what do you have to say for yourself because you're now kicked off the team” Shawn's heart dropped “ what no! I promise I didn't do it, my friends bought some and used them. I was around them so I smell like it but I didn't use them I promise”. The principle  realized that there was one thing that they could do so he said “ There is one thing we can do to see if he is lying or not” everyone looked at him and asked “what” he then said “ we can do a drug test but I would need the parents permission”. Everyone turned and looked at Shawn's parents, so to break the silence his dad said “ why didn't you say anything sooner? You have our permission”. The principal left and came back with the test in his hands. He told Shawn what to do and once they did what they were supposed to do they all sat there and waited for the results. After 10 minutes the results had finally come back and they came out to be negative. Everyone looked at Shawn with a confused face and his coach said '' was what you were saying true?” Shawn responded with “ yes, I told y'all all along but y'all didn't listen to me”. Everyone apologized and then his coach said “ You have your spot on the team but you need to watch who your friends are because they could get you in trouble and put you through situations like this or worse” Shawn nodded his head and felt a huge relief. He then went home with his parents and as soon as he got home he texted Max and Sharell and said that he will not surround himself with that type of influence and he will no longer be friends with them. As for Debbie he said if she continues to hang out with influences like that they can no longer be in a relationship because it puts his career at risk. He now sees Max and Sharell in the hallways but does not say anything to them because of what they did to him.

The author's comments:

I love to play basketball

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