Lie Down | Teen Ink

Lie Down

September 26, 2022
By Bryana_M05 BRONZE, Chico, California
Bryana_M05 BRONZE, Chico, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Lie Down

I lie in a field of flowers, calmly watching the clouds roll by one at a time. One cloud lingers darkening the field, it’s mocking me. I hear the voice of my partner calling me and feel at ease as I meet them across the field, they’re so beautiful every time they appear. Their presence itself just draws me deeper toward them. But, a rumbling begins that blurs my partner’s figure. Then, I hear a blaring noise and the world goes dark.

I feel dirty and as if a weight too heavy to exist is crushing me. I reach out my hand into the darkness, and the blaring stops. My partner calls my name in their ethereal voice, “Cyra, Cyra, Cyra,” what a calming sound. One that ensnares my mind into them.

“You scared me! I don’t know what I would do without you, Cyra! Please be more careful!”

“Of course dear, I’m sorry it won’t happen again,” and their addictively warm embrace feels beautiful too.

I walk beside my partner in the field spending hours enjoying their loving company, but that cloud remained. Then, as if it knew I noticed its existence, it roared out so loud it drowned  out the voice of my partner and their beauty. Dragging me into the dark with its noise.


I lay in a tangled mess, struggling to reach my hand out to silence the roars of the annoying dark presence. But the noise remains, I am in darkness hearing the yelling and banging of the storm. I hear the horrid noise call out towards me and feel my body tremble. I rush to confirm I am in my safe confinement; I ensure I am locked in safe and return to the warm tangle. My body becomes wrapped in the warmth of the tangled confinement fading into its comfort, I am content once more. 

I feel clean and light as if I was a balloon floating high enough to reach the stars. I reach my hand out toward the flowery field just as the blaring begins. The horrible entity screeches out, “Cyra, Cyra, Cyra,” what a skin crawling sound. 

Then, I lie once more.       

The author's comments:

This work was made to somehow put to words the feeling of using escapism to avoid reality.

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