The Nutcracker Dance | Teen Ink

The Nutcracker Dance

October 11, 2022
By Anonymous

The alarm went off at 4 am. It sounded like a nonstop ringing noise like a broken down cuckoo clock. I woke up with a yawn as I stretched my full body in bed and then stretched on the floor rolling out my ankles and flexing my feet getting ready for a busy day at the studio. I had been admitted to a highly demanding dance school where everyone had to give it their all. Rehearsals started at 5:30 am and we were getting ready for the Nutcracker dance in December, one of the biggest productions we put on classical music and twirling ballerinas all on a big stage portraying a classical story. I had a crucial role as the Sugar Plum Fairy. I made some breakfast, my usual nice healthy green smoothie full of fruits and green veggies with protein powder to give me an energy boost for the day. The taste was fresh and refreshing to me. Some may say it's like eating a smoothie-type salad, but I get used to it. I quickly changed, got my leotard and dance bag, and packed my clothes all clean and fresh ready for a rushed week. As I got to the subway to go to Manhattan, I could smell the temptation of freshly made bread at the bakery and sausages being grilled at the hot dog stands. The city was full of people getting to their jobs and starting their day. It was a pleasant and beautiful day.

When I arrived at the studio everyone in the rehearsal room was gone. There was a silence-like stillness in the night; it was deadly silent. There was only the teacher holding a clipboard. The taping of her foot on the floor was nerve-racking like I was about to be given a hard talk. “Haley Boner,” she said as I approached her. “Get closer” “Closer!” she said. I got as close as I could to being able to feel her breath as she spoke to me. “Number one always be ahead of schedule, number two everyone has been rescheduled roles based on the solo results from last week you should get notified of the changes.” My heart pounded as if it were coming out of my chest, I couldn’t believe they were doing this. I was so ready to take on my role I didn’t want a change. I was already happy to dance such a crucial role. This could be my chance to show everyone how good of a dancer I was. I swallowed hard as I got ready to start my normal class routines hoping the results would stay the same.

 I went to ballet conditioning, strength training, technique class, then contemporary and jazz. By the end of the day, I was exhausted and headed to my apartment. I checked my emails to see if any announcements had been posted over Nutcracker rehearsals, but nothing yet. It was 9:30 pm, and I rested in my bed ready to call it a night when I heard my phone go off a call coming from my dance partner Nick. He said, “Hey I hope it's not too late, but they just posted the roles for the Nutcracker, the final positions you might want to check out.” I jumped on my feet “Really OMG I hope they didn’t change my role so dramatically!” “Yeah ok call me when you see the results.” As soon as I hung up, I checked the announcements and scrolled through to find my name, Haley Boner Role: Lead Dancer; Clara Understudy. What! I thought wow I can’t believe it. They changed my role to an understudy but Clara’s understudy after having the Sugar Plum Fairy which was a dream role. Now I had to prepare for the role of Clara but not be in the performance unless something were to happen to Stephanie I would be her cover. It was great to have to learn how to dance Clara's role. I just wish I was the final lead and not just a cover. But I bet everything will work out for the best. 

I called my friend Nick, “AHHHHH oh man I got Clara but her understudy. I mean Stephanie is going to do her and that's a huge role and I’ll be there learning alongside her and I guess helping her out. I mean I would have to be perfect in all the dances too just in case I would be able to take the lead in an unwilling situation.” “Yeah congrats I’m sorry they took your original lead, they changed my role to be the Nutcracker, so that's a huge jump. The good news is I’ll have to rehearse with both you and Stephanie since both of you are Clara’s, so we'll be dancing together anyways which is great I can’t wait to get started.” “Wow, that's amazing, the Nutcracker that's a big role and puts lots of pressure on you mainly.” “Yeah, you too thought you have an opportunity to learn the lead of all the dances, and if you get your steps well coordinated maybe you have a chance. You're an amazing dancer always working hard” ''Ah thanks, yeah and you're gonna make an amazing Nutcracker.” “Alright so see you tomorrow for rehearsals and have a good sleep.” “You too see you tomorrow.” 

The morning came like always as I did my morning routine. Arriving at the studio 5 min before rehearsals are ready to start. With a clear mind, I got to the main room as they were assigning partners and assigning us practice rooms to get ready to rehearse all the dance steps. I and Stephanie and Nick, and his understudy Robert got Room A with Ms. Turner who was going to assist us in perfecting all the steps to the dance and teaching us the correct form and the choreography. We started with the opening song which is the party scene when the children and Clara are at the ball and dancing around. Then the scene with the gifts and when she unpacks the Nutcracker. After that, we went over the different dances as we went through the different lands. Those were small dances as there are a series of dancers who demonstrate specific lands. The hardest dance we had to practice over and over again was the partner dance when Clara and the nutcracker have their dance. Both of us had to have our steps right and be coordinated with the music so all of our placement is correct and there can't be a risk of an injury.

 “And a 1, 2, 3, 4 go!” Ms. Turner would say. “Stephanie, make your steps bigger and show emotion on your face SMILE!” “Ok ok ok it’s not me it's Nick he isn’t doing the steps right!” “He's doing it right, it's you who keeps messing up if you want to try it with Robert and see how it goes.” Ms. Turner switched our partners and I got to practice with Nick. “Uhh really it’s just not working,” Stephanie said with a roll of her eyes. “Alright take a break Haley and Nick can you please dance the part with the music.” It was our chance to dance all the steps well coordinated and we were in sync with the music. “Well done!” said Ms. Turner. “I can do that way better,” said Stephanie. “Ok enough with the competition, both of you are great dancers we will continue practicing tomorrow.” Ms.Turner said as she guided us to the door. 

We were there until noon after that Nick and I headed to the cafe to get lunch. I asked Stephanie and Robert “Hey you guys want to get some lunch we're heading to the cafe.” Robert replied, “No thanks, I have to head home. I made lunch there.” “Ok, some other time then,” I said. Stephanie said, “Yeah I wouldn’t eat with a bunch of peasants.” Rolling her eyes and lifting her eyebrows with a fiery red face. She walked away. “She’ll come around eventually,” Nick said. Those rehearsals are always tough and they're tougher when it's all together because by then you should have everything memorized. We had two weeks of rehearsals before group rehearsals were starting. Then it would be a bunch of dress rehearsals and then getting ready for the real performance. There was a lot of pressure on Stephanie. I get it her steps should be perfect no wonder she was so upset. 

  Group Rehearsals began, and we were all one step closer to the performance. A hectic week arose before us, everyone bringing their A-game to rehearsals. First, they rehearsed with the original crew and had the understudy watch. Then all of the understudy crew went. They gave us a few tips we could use to perfect our steps, but they gave even harder comments on the original crew. Which made sense because they were the main ones appearing in the dance. We had rehearsals all of that week from 5:30-7 pm and then Ballet Conditioning and extra rehearsals for all leads from 7 pm-9 pm. These were overwhelming and tiring rehearsals. After that, you would just want to throw yourself in bed because those teachers would get the juice out of you. Everyone would come out with their faces red and panting. Every time we did a rehearsal transition I would say, “good job, you did great, keep it up,” to all the dancers coming out of the room. They needed some type of encouragement, and I was glad to give them some positive energy instead of all negative comments like the ones the teachers constantly yell at them for. 

At the end of group rehearsals, the team scheduled a party to celebrate the accomplishment of rehearsals ending and getting final preparations for the dance. Nick called me earlier in the day “Hey how are you doing?” “I’m good and you.” “A little exhausted glad we got today off.” “Yeah I think we all needed it, I can barely feel my ankles. Lol.” “Yeah, I can barely feel my arms hahaha.” “So I was thinking you want to go to the party tonight to help celebrate the end of these horrible rehearsals.” “Yeah I was gonna ask you the same thing, I’m planning to stop by for a little while because I don’t want to stay up way too late, plus I’m not much of a party girl.” “Yeah how about we go at 8 pm-9:30 I’ll come to pick you up.” “Sounds good see you soon!” “Alright see you soon bye.” “Bye.”

Nick picked me up ten minutes before the party and we headed that way. I wore a side shoulder dark green mini dress with black heels and my hair down. Nick wore a semi-formal shirt and some jeans. It was the first time I had let my hair down with a bunch of dancers. Usually, everyone has their hair picked up. It was weird recognizing some people. The party was at Stephanie's house, and she was hosting it. Her house was big. I think it was her parent's house because it was a mansion. There were varieties of greasy pizzas and a bucket of beers and sodas. It smelled like something dead was lying around. Every kind of junk I’m against. There was loud music and peculiar dancing that I’d never seen before. It's like all of these top-notch dancers had gone loose and begun dancing whatever came to their minds with no proper form or perfect steps. They felt free. I told Nick, “from all my years dancing I've never seen dancing like this before.” “Yeah I know right, and we all take contemporary dance. I don't even know what kind of dance this is called lol.” Stephanie came close “hello fshdvbksjk welcome get ready to get loose,” she walked along like a drunk pirate with a beer in her hand. I told Nick, “yeah I don’t think I can last very long in this place.” “Yeah, me neither, but at least we have to dance.” “Yeah but not to this music something a little calmer or softer” “I got you.” He got close to the DJ and whispered into his ear. The song began playing. Nick took my hand and pulled me to dance. “You have no excuse now because you know how to dance, plus I chose your favorite song.” “No, come on you didn’t have to.” The music played, and we waltzed around for half the song. Then out of nowhere, Stephanie came up to the middle of the crowd and shouted and cursed at everyone she could think of. Maria filmed her live upfront. She said some things that were so wrong, cursing the school, teachers, and students. She went way out of line and looked like a horrible mean person. It's like she was spilling all her anger on us. People started leaving and speaking back. It became a really bad disaster. Nick and I left before that became a bigger scandal. 

The next day we started dress rehearsals the last kind of practice these were brief. We would go over the whole dance on stage and perform the whole production twice. We all grouped on stage for a warmup as the director head of the school came. She had a strict serious face and formal professional attire. She spoke to us, “Hello, dancers I hope you all had a well-rested night. I came to inform all of you that this school is for dedicated, respectful, honorable dancers who take things seriously. If you do not appreciate and respect the teachers and staff and dancers here you will be expelled permanently from the school and there will be a replacement. Do I make myself clear? I repeat DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!” “Yes Madame,” everyone said in sync. Many people swallowed hard. I knew there would be some people expelled, especially since Maria recorded all of last night's scandal live on her phone. I bet the school found out. She held out a list “If I call your name please go backstage and get to your costumes Ms. Turner will be there to assist you. If your name isn’t called please stay seated.” I held Nick's hand tight. I was nervous and I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong. I beat the people who realized what they had done and were terrified. She started calling out names “Isabella Annabell, Trinity Amos, Carol Azen, Caroline Bansen, Cecilia Bemer, Angelina Bensen, Sasha Bennett, Haley Boner, Jacqueline Black, Nick Carson, Daniel Cruz, Robert Carly, etc…” When they called my name I signed in relief asking Ms.Turner what had happened to Stephanie. I didn't hear her be called when she was going through the last names starting with B. She told me she was taken out of the lead role, and I would have to play Clara now. She gave me Clara’s costume and told me “This is your chance, give it your all, you got this,” I was speechless. The only thing I could say was “thank you wow thank you so much!” I said in a whisper. Nick joined me shortly after when he got his Nutcracker suit. “Way a go Haley I knew it all along you are the perfect Clara so much better than Stephanie let's dance this stage off.” I laughed, and we got to rehearse the whole show. It looked great, and everyone was on point in their dances. It was sad to see my classmates leave. There were a handful that got expelled, mainly the ones that got involved in the fight with Stephanie. I told her “I’m so sorry you're a great dancer and I hope you continue.” “Thanks, you know you don’t have to be always kind to me, I was horrible to you and Nick, and for that, I’m so sorry, you're a much better dancer than me,”  Stephanie said. I hugged her as I waved her goodbye. 

The night of the performance was amazing. Towards the end, the team threw confetti into the air and the curtains closed with a bow from all the crew and we all yelled: “Hooray we did it, guys!” “Way to go dancers!” “Amazing performance!” It was great the dancers who didn’t dance were seated in the front row and towards the end came to greet us. I got bouquets from friends and family, even Nick gave me one with a sweet box of chocolates. The director came and spoke to me privately after the performance. “I was touched by your performance. You gave the dance life and it was beautiful. I could see you dance with passion and put work into it. You had great acting skills and emotion when you danced. It was beautifully executed. I would like you to help co-teach some of our younger students. I feel you have the love and passion for helping others too, and I feel you would make a great teacher in the future. Get ready with Ms. Stinger, she's our school coordinator. She'll get your information so we can keep in contact. Enjoy the rest of your evening and get some rest.” “Thank you so much. I appreciate it and I would love to co-teach. I do love helping out in the best that I can.” This day couldn’t have been better. That day I learned lots of valuable lessons to be kind no matter what, and even when it’s hard you will get through it and be rewarded somehow. Everything you reap, you will eventually sow. This means if you plant goodness, kindness, and mercy you will sow the same and even better than what you thought. 

The author's comments:

I am a high school dancer who has danced all of my life and now am dancing with a studio and I keep learning new dances and steps to improve my technique and strength. This story illustrates a young dancer who is fulfilling her dream through compassion, love, and kindness she is a dedicated dancer who has goals and is kind no matter what. Her example is to show how you can have a dream or goal and if you work hard to get to it and stay kind-hearted and maintain the goodness in you then you will reach beyond your wildest dreams. I hope through this story you feel inspired and touched by it and continue to chase your dreams. 

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