The Abandoned Towers | Teen Ink

The Abandoned Towers

December 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Far in the forest, buried amongst soil and stone, lies an abandoned gate. Ivy stretches across it, rusted bronze shining through the gloom. However if you look close, you may discover more than meets the eye.

    For next to the gate lays a pedestal, and upon the pedestal glows a faint blue light. One may poke and prod, but the gate shall not move until the warm light gleams over a palm, tracing the outlines and touching the ridges of the fingers.

    The gate would slide open at that point, a great inconvenience to the mighty behemoth of metal. The ivy would shed away, tossed away on the whim of a passing stranger. Deep scars of dirt lay, marking the years that the protective metal had lain. There’s barely enough time to scurry through the opening before the barrier swings shut with a clang. A long pathway lays ahead, the ground torn with young plants yearning for life in the primordial growth.

    By proceeding down the path, one would turn this way and that, for this passage was designed to confuse and antagonize the minds of those who stumbled upon it. A labyrinth,, perfect for failure. Most would turn around, however, the few that carry on would face more challenges. Another gate lay ahead, this time shiny and well cared for, standing tall to the sky. 

    A building peaked behind the gate, almost as though it was stretching to the skies as a beacon for all to come upon it. It’s prowess stood tall, a subtle whisper for all to approach.

    Climbing it was never an option, and there was no mysterious pad with shimmering light emanating from it. At this point, all who did not know the truth would be left to suffer in the winding dirt, a tragic trek back to society.

    Those who knew though, that was a different story.

    A vehicle was necessary. A cleverly disguised pressure pad sat beneath the muck, and only specific cars had the minimum required weight to allow the gate to swing open.

    Once it swung open of course, there was a short window of time in which the car would pull forward before ensnared in the area’s protective walls. A smoothly paved road lies ahead, stretching to meet a parking lot with four unmarked cars. Plain and white, it almost seemed like the clean steel was an illusion amongst the wild greenery that spread for acres. However, they surely were not, for they were tangible along with the vehicle that had been used to enter the very institution.

   Ahead lay tall pillars, balancing the heavy marble roof as a door was nestled in between them, adorned in fanciful swoops of metal. Inside the building itself was plain, however once passing through the complicated puzzle of the second door, ahead could only be considered a paradise, and all of the places’ protection finally could make sense.

    A quiet trickling fountain, smooth marble glistening in the rays of the sun beaming through the gentle clear liquid. A small ornament sat atop the decoration, small gears turning to toss the water out a hidden spout. It was enchanting, and the surrounding scenery made it all the better.

    Further, green grass adorned the ground, cautiously swaying to the quiet wind. Flowers waved hello to any passerby, stretching towards the sun in a patient yet desperate yearning for life. Trees rustled, whispering secrets to each other with each brush of a leaf, and squirrels leaped elegantly from their heightened vantage point to stare down at their domain, curious as to who would intrude this sanctuary. 

    More buildings surrounded the area as well, for the carefully curated nature was only half of the delight. Yet again, tall buildings rose high, each with different architectural detailing.

    One such looming masterpiece was designed of nearly nothing but glass, and showed within it a wildlife that was even more fascinating than the flora that stretched everywhere else. Peculiar plants rose, clinging to the iron bars that helped to support the delicate panes. A nearly silent whisper of bugs tended to the lush vegetation, helping it to truly thrive.

    Water began to fall from the sky, carefully dripping onto the grass, blending dew and fresh pure moisture from above. Only two clear options remained, and those choices were to take cover or face the oncoming storm.

    And along with the quiet tapping water plays hint down upon the fountain’s marbled surface, and the disgruntled chatter of animals high in the trees, and the welcoming cry of the flowers, the only reasonable option is to stand there, and soak up the divinities of Mother Nature.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about one of my old stories, and as I’ve personally abandoned it I chose to write about what it would look like after being abandoned.

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