My Genre Rough Draft | Teen Ink

My Genre Rough Draft

December 15, 2022
By ellagrace17 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
ellagrace17 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a place far away called The Isle of Skye there resides an odd knight named George O’Malley. The Isle of Skye is a small populated place that floats in the clouds with candy and sweets as nature, inhabiting 100 people in 30 different houses and George in one giant castle. He walks around his castle stumbling and slurring as he speaks, yet no one has figured out the problem that reveals these strange actions. He is overly inconsiderate and indulges himself in the candy that grows causing the people of the town to lack their only food source. Every day he goes out into the town and picks every last candy that there is to eat. Everyone in the town knew that one day his strange demeanor and unsympathetic actions would lead to a conflict that would teach him a much-needed life lesson. The town tried warning him of the problem that would soon occur if he continued this behavior, yet George, being greedy like always, did not put a stoppage on his daily candy picking. One day when George was picking his candy in the forest of gumballs, he stopped at his favorite tree.
Just when he started collecting the candy, a wicked old candyman showed up and yelled, “Hey, you're ruining my home!” He threw his magic wand into the air and suddenly, George was turned into a frog.
“Oh no, why did you do that,” George yelled.
“Because you are picking the candy that keeps my house alive,” the wicked old candyman wailed.
“Why are you just now informing me of this? I have been picking this candy for quite some time,” said George.
Then the old man says, “I warned the town that it would affect them if you did not stop. They warned you, and you did not listen.”
Then George cried, “I'm sorry, I knew I should have listened but surely I can make your candy grow back.”
“Oh,” the wicked old candyman thought about that for a minute before saying, “Okay, I didn’t think it was possible.”
Then George, who had been turned into a frog, suddenly turned back into a knight. This was a kind gesture by the candyman to thank George for being so caring. George then helped the candyman fix up his tree and they went on about their day, as happily as can be.

The author's comments:

This is a fairytale. 

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