The birds broken wing | Teen Ink

The birds broken wing

January 10, 2023
By Anonymous

The students looked up at the sky and saw a bird. The bird started to come down. I lily ran over to it crying because it fell and it has a broken wing. All of the other students at recess just stood there. A minute later Mr. Eberheart came over saying "what happened why are you crying". I said, " I am crying because this poor bird fell from the sky". Mr. Eberheart was in shock then when he was done being in shock he said "we need to get him or her to the nurse's office immediately. We ran to the nurse's office and she wasn't there. So we got into Mr. Eberhart's car and we went to the vet we rushed. We got there took the bird in and told the receptionist "we need a veterinarian right now". We got a veterinarian and the bird had surgery. An hour later we got the bird and the bird's medication. We took the bird and the bird's medication and then the veterinarian said " you can keep the bird until it is fully healed and until it keep it as a class pet". We were so happy we were saying "yay" "yay" and " yay". We took the bird to the pet store go all of his stuff. We got back to the school to set up everything gathered all of the students and introduced him. We named him Mini Eberhart and we really enjoyed the time introducing him to the students. We spend time with him until he is healed and then it was time we went outside during the 7th period and we released him "we are going to miss you very much, Mini Eberhart. We let it go and all of the students cheered because we helped it and got it back into shape. Good bye, Mini Eberhart. The End

The author's comments:

In this peice I didn't now what type of novel or fiction peice it was so it was kind of a mix up. A little bit about mw I have 4 siblings 1 older brother 1 older sister me 1 younger sister 1 younger brother. I have 2 dogs I love Kaia and Remi. I love reading writing and sports.

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