Cruising Down the Main Street of Myrtle Beach | Teen Ink

Cruising Down the Main Street of Myrtle Beach

April 18, 2023
By nelsojac000 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
nelsojac000 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     The smell of cigars and vapes mixed in with the smell of dew and mold in the sky.  Walking outside to get to my job at the shop a mile down the main street and a block on a back road I saw the dew on the vehicles. The little droplets caused anything that stood outside all night wet and damp.  As I continue I see the squatted vehicles drive by almost hitting the road with their back bumper and having their front hood facing towards the faint moon high in the sky causing, you to see what’s underneath their vehicle body. The car's colors range from all the colors of the rainbow, from chrome white to carbon black. The cars down in Myrtle Beach love today’s music so they blast it so that you can hear the bass shakes all the loose parts.

My hands are black from working on the vehicles some local vehicles.  When suddenly this girl showed up looking like a supermodel out of the blue looking like the best girl I have ever seen in my whole life. She had long brunette hair up in a ponytail with glass covering her bright blue eyes, making me blank into a dead stare for a short time.  Asking if I could fix her burnt orange Mclaren looked like the color you get when you wax an old penny. Her McLaren was a car that has nothing but a big sunroof and very small side panels with a midengine V12. The others said no, but I said yes not knowing exactly what I was getting into and the true power behind the vehicle.   With the whiteboards on the wall of who has the most unique cars fixed and for how much money. Wanting me to go bar for bar with my ideals making them turn into my revivals.  Seeing how this woman dress you could see all the money she was spitting out of her mouth with every intelligent word she said.   With her vehicle looking as nice as it was you could tell that the only problem was someone who was pushing the car to the max in the shortest runs in Myrtle Beach or in Charleston probably from her not knowing how to properly drive a supercar.

Having a car that should be on the autobahn I knew something wasn’t right but I want to be the best and fix the best. Having the car be in the shop having the predicted problems about supercars we ordered the transmission online I also made sure to do another quick check on the inside of the cab to see if there was anything else wrong. Without finding anything else I said

“Can I check the cab?” asking her.

“Yes, as long you don’t goof anything up.” she quickly responded.  I got into the cab sitting down I could feel something suspicious but I couldn’t tell what it was. Getting out I said 

“I will work on it as soon as possible,” 

“Sounds good to me,” she said and gave me a hug from behind. While I was washing up and starting to close up the shop and walking back to my house. 

Turning the TV on and started to watch the ticker tape on the tv show called Mad Money and The Closing Bell talking about the news for the markets and suggesting people buy or sell certain stocks the topics he talked about were the new hydrogen cars. With the TV show being interrupted, The news stated that the Russians were deployed in the United States with the hope of spreading zombie viruses to destroy other countries making them the top country.  With the news being set in my home town I was shocked, terrified, and excited with all the adrenaline in my body from hearing the emergency alarms going off. I knew that I need to get supplies and leave and get isolated.

Quietly leaving for work the next day knowing that if I tried my best no zombies could ever follow me. Turning the last turn from the shop The girl surprised me. 

“Hey!! I know you!! You're the person who’s working on my car!!!” She loudly whispered.

“Yeah, I am! I was just going to fix your vehicle” I said trying to catch my breath and lying to her.

“Great! Can I come as well?” she asked 

“I guess so,” I answered still gassed. 

Slowly creeping to the shop we sighted zombies eating people on the side of the street also looking for humans to eat. Quietly entering the shop no zombies were to be spotted. To fix the McLaren from being loud in the shop we rolled the car on the 2-post car lift. The shop was fortified originally to stop thieves from coming in and stealing and also destroying things, but the shop must have the fornication to stop the zombies from coming in. With having the walls are soundproof and the windows are covered up with cardboard making the zombies think no one is in there. With the time we had it was time to see what was actually the problem with her McLaren. With a quick look under the trunk and the under the vehicle, I could see it was the transmission that was wrecked.  Having the parts inside the shop even from the online store we could fix it quickly, and fast as possible. We had the car running perfectly without misclutching and shifting within three hours. With the car fixed the chaos stopped with a sudden stop as I place the last blot back the zombies just exploded. Not knowing what the history of the car was I had a pretty good guess that it came from Russia and was made for making the united states think that it was a normal car. Not realizing it was made to spread a zombie virus and start a national emergency.  I was thinking   With the fixed car there was only one thing to do cruise down the main street with the best car in town. Driving down I could feel the nice warm air in the cab, also the smell of the rotten flesh from all the dead zombies, but other than that it felt like a dream come true to fix cars and have the ride of my life. I also had the best girl I could imagine spending my life with. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this after going down to myrtle beach for a family vacation and decide to talk about the different-looking vehicles. From seeing the squatted vehicles drive by almost hitting the road with their back bumper and having their front hood facing towards the sky causing, you to see what’s underneath their vehicle body.

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