Pesche | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By daniel33 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
daniel33 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a city far away, there was a man by the name of Pesche. He is missing an eye and runs a car dealership during the day but when there is crime, he becomes the superhero that everyone adores. He may look like a regular person on the outside, but he’s actually a part-time superhero. He is known for his superpowers. One of his superpowers is being immortal/indestructible. He is immune to anything even from being sick. Nothing can kill him. He can also fly as fast as a jet and can run faster than a bullet train.

      Although Pesche is immortal there has been one person who has broken that and actually hurt him. That person is a villain by the name of Gin. Gin was the only person ever to hurt Pesche and injure his eye. Gin stands for “be afraid”. His name alone would strike fear into people’s hearts. That is also why Pesche is missing his left eye. They encountered each other over 500 years ago, back when Pesche was just a sidekick. Gin took out all the other superheroes and left Pesche for last. Luckily for Pesche, he was able to find a forbidden item called a time bubble and was able to seal him inside of it. He then threw the time bubble as far as he could outside of the galaxy hoping he’d never get out and return. He was then promoted to a superhero and not a sidekick after he took care of Gin, but to this day he still fears that Gin may come back.

 500 years later, Pesche is in an important meeting when all of a sudden his phone starts ringing. He ignores the first time and continues on with his meeting. It started ringing a second time, but he still decided to ignore it. Then the phone rang a third time and that is when Pesche decided to pick up the phone. He heard a dark and scary voice through the phone. The voice of a man who is filled with anger and seeks revenge. The person on the phone then said, “I am coming for you and all your loved ones Pesche!” Then he hung up. Pesche was still confused as to who was on the phone. He then depicted the phone call and realized that the man on the phone was none other than the villain, Gin. Pesche just stood there in fear. He’s shook as to how Gin managed to break through the time bubble and find him. Pesche then immediately flew to his mother’s house to check on her. He rushed inside and kept questioning his mother if she was okay. She responded “Yes”. Pesche was relieved. His worst fear is that they come and hurt his mother.

 As Pesche was leaving his mother’s house, he noticed an envelope on the front porch. He opened it and inside was a letter. In the letter it said “Meet me at the top of the tallest building.” and on the back it said “December 10, 5 p.m.” Pesche looked at the calendar behind him only to realize that the date said on the letter was today. It was exactly 3 p.m which means that something might happen at 5 p.m. He then flew to the tallest building and went to the top. There he saw Gin. Pesche was stricken by a huge wave of fear. He felt as if gravity was hitting as heavy as a 100 ton boulder. He went to grab Gin by the throat to choke him out. Gin then told him that he had rigged 4 bombs to explode all around the city. The bombs have a blast radius of almost a nuke. Pesche angrily yelled at him asking where the bombs were located. Gin kept quiet and just laughed. He then broke free from the choke hold and punched him as hard as he could. Pesche didn't react, in fact, he didn't feel a thing. “It seems you’ve grown a lot weaker,” he said. He then proceeded to choke slam Gin through the 112-story building they were on. 

Once they got to the bottom, Pesche saw the time and saw that it was now 4 p.m. He immediately stuffed Gin back into another time bubble but this time, it was a lot more durable. Pesche flew across the whole city and found one of the four bombs placed. He attempted to destroy the bomb with his laser eyes but that didn’t work. He then tried to crush it with his super strength but that didn't work out either. He noticed that there was a pin-pad on the bomb. He rapidly tried inputting all the possible code combinations to try and deactivate it. None of them worked and the pin-pad was now locked from all the failed attempts. He tried to eat it since his body is indestructible. He thought that if it blew up in him the damage wouldn’t be as bad but he realized that the bomb's firepower is beyond his immortality. He then went to the mayor of the city to tell everyone to evacuate the city because there was no stopping the bombs from exploding. All the civilians tried to evacuate but saw that the bridges that lead them outside the city had been destroyed by Gin. The whole city was a lost cause, or so Pesche thought. A bunch of other superheroes came out of hiding to help him escort everyone out. They had even brought enough transportation planes to evacuate the whole city. The clock hit 5:55 and they still hadn’t evacuated half the civilians. Pesche grabbed a bunch of civilians and quickly put them inside the planes. The clock struck 6 and all four bombs went off. The explosion was as big as a nuke.

 Luckily, the civilians were all able to make it out alive and well. It will take a long time to rebuild the city but the real city is the civilians in it. Pesche then went on to prattle about how he was going to sacrifice himself for the greater good. He was glad he had viable teammates to rely on.

The author's comments:

its awesome

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