My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

       I lost my best friend a few days before our 16th birthday. On a Wednesday sunny morning


 I decided I was going to tell my best friend my biggest clandestine. That morning I


prepared myself for the worst day of my life possibly.  I didn’t know how she was going to react


to me kissing her long-term boyfriend. I got ready for school, I dressed like a bum I


received a text from Katelyn aka my best friend. She asked if I was on the way to school I


replied quickly with a yes. I got to school and as soon as I walk in, I see Katelyn with her lover.


I put a quick smile on my face, I still didn’t know how I was going to tell her. We were


Walking to first period together and I guess I was zoning out too much that she turned and asked


 if I was okay, I replied with a yes and quickly made a conversation. We made it to first and


I decided I was going to wait till lunch to tell her. I acted like everything was okay till the 4th


Period bell rang. My heart started pounding my hands started sweating as if they had just been


Under the Rio Grande River. I waited for her in the lunch line, after 3 mins she arrived and stood


Next to me. I turned and said “I have to get something of my chest and idk how you’re going to


Take it.” She looked at me with a confused face and started asking me what was wrong. I took

A few deep breaths and I finally got the courage to say “I kissed your boyfriend.” I saw her jaw


Drop she raised her hand and slapped me in front of everyone in the lunch line. My face got red


As a tomato, I felt all eyes on me. I apologized and she ran off, I decided to go after her. She ran


Into the woman’s bathroom and just broke down. I tried to comfort her and she pushed me away


And told me that our friendship was over. My eyes watered up and I felt a tear going down my


Cheek. From on we decided to ascend in antithesis directions. I told her boyfriend that I came


Clean to her and he was okay with it. It took me by surprise I thought he would’ve been mad.


I then hear him say “I need to come clean with you too”. I looked at him with a confused face,


And said “what do you mean”.  He proceeded to say “I’m in love with you it’s always been


you.” I look at him with disbelief, I said to myself “wow what a great way to end lunch time.”


I went back to class feeling guilty, I couldn’t believe he was in love with me. I told him I was


Going to let him know how I felt after this period. I had a good 50 minutes to think this through.


I ate a bag of chips since I was hungry.  After a few minutes I made up mind and the bell rang.


I went up to him and said “I think we should just go our own ways and be autonomous.” He


Agreed and we both went our separate ways. I felt like such a bad person, I wanted to go home


And just bawl my eyes out. It felt like I was going through a bad break up. I already miss her


So much, how I wish I could go back in time and not kiss her boyfriend. I feel so empty and


It hasn’t even been days, its been hours. I finally got home and decided to look through our


Memories one last time. I went through each one, one by one and just cherished it for one


Last time. My face was drowning in tears while I scrolled through all the videos and


Pictures. Finally I selected all of them and pressed delete. I would never forgive myself


For the mistake that happened. I hope that in another life time this mistake didn’t happen.

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