Never give up | Teen Ink

Never give up

September 14, 2023
By mauri51 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
mauri51 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Robert is one of the best players in the world at just 18 years old. Robert started playing soccer when he was only four years old. He was very passionate about soccer, he loves it. His dream has always been to become a professional soccer player, and now he is one of the best soccer players in the world.

           Even though everybody else thinks he is one of the best players in the world; he is not satisfied with himself. He thinks otherwise, he is always doubting and talking bad about himself. Robert used to have the most confidence in himself, but after one bad season that he had he brought all his confidence down. Every practice or game that he has he just starts talking about how he sucks and isn’t as good as he used to be. Now he just plays with a negative mindset, He has lost all of his confidence. In some practices or games he doesn’t even try anymore just because he thinks that he is bad now. He doesn’t know what to do anymore, every time he tries his best he thinks he does everything bad. He is trying his best to get his confidence back, but he is slowly losing hope that he can make it. At practices his teammates are tired of hearing him bringing himself down. They all try to help him recover his confidence by telling him how good he is, but he doesn’t listen to anyone.

           Robert was thinking about just giving up and quitting because he didn’t know what was the point of playing if he was just losing his hope. He did not want to make the wrong choice so he decided to talk to his parents about it. When he told his parents about how he felt they got into a deep conversation about it. His parents then told him that they know a viable solution that can help him with the issue. 

           The solution the parents had was a person, but not just a regular person he was a professional coach. His name was coach Xavi, one of the best professional coaches. When Robert met him he freaked out because he had recognized him. After they met each other Coach Xavi asked Robert what was the problem with him. At first Robert did not want to say it because he thought he would lose an opportunity to make one of the best coaches interested in him, but then the Coach started telling him that his parents already told him about the issue and said that there is nothing to be scared of because everyone feels or goes through that at one point. Robert then asked him if he could help him boost up his confidence again and the coach gladly said yes. After the talk he had with the coach he was already starting to feel better, they even arranged a private session every three days a week. Robert trained with Coach Xavi for four months straight, they worked on everything. Robert started feeling a lot more confident with the private practices, he got way better with his skills, passing, shooting, physical, and composure. He was so determined in all his practices, he started to regain his confidence and hope. Robert was ecstatic to finally regain his confidence, passion, and hope for soccer.

           All of Robert’s hard work started paying off at his club also, all his teammates started to say that he was back and better than ever. Robert had a very important game against the team that is ranked number one for the region, nation, and state. Then the day had come when Robert and his team faced the best U-18 team, before the game Robert was nervous, but when the game started all of his nerves went away and he started to do what he does best which is play with his heart and leave everything on the field. The game started with a early goal from the other team, so the other team got confident and thought it was going to be easy. But Robert and his team never gave up, they kept trying their hardest. Then five minutes later you hear the whole crowd scream “GOAL”. Robert scored a goal for his team, which boosts them up to try harder to now put their 200%. Then in the 90th minute Robert’s teammate puts the ball in the box and Robert found it and headers it and “GOAL” Robert has done it again he scored the second goal which made his team take the lead. Roberts' confidence after that game was at its highest level, he was finally back to his old self.

           The day after the game Robert started thinking about everything that happened and he realizes that just because you do something bad you shouldn’t give up on your dreams and goals, that nothing should bring you or your confidence down. Robert kept chasing his dream and is never giving up on them. He’ll always remember how much Coach Xavi did for him and how he saved his career.

The author's comments:

I'm a soccer player.

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