Taking Back What's MIne | Teen Ink

Taking Back What's MIne

September 19, 2023
By Anonymous

It’s been weeks since the young, innocent girl has left the Other World, ever since the incident occurred, Other Mother has been horrible to anyone who ever crosses her path, during dinner, she’d yell and leave the table without even taking a glance at her meal, and came today she yelled at me and threw the plate of food I made for her at me, I stood up and looked at her, done with her attitude and how she’s been acting, I clenched my fist but calmed down, retreating back to my office and realizing how much power I had back when we had our beautiful child, Jimmy, Other Mother always treated me nicely and would always apologized even when she didn’t do anything wrong. 
But now, that Other Mother is gone, she became something else which horrifies me yet makes me curious, a person with a secret life and she is planning something with her devious smile and evil eyes, whenever she looks around, it almost represents a predator, scanning the area and seeing what their prey's next move is. 
I have hated the feeling of being caged, small, and vulnerable in her eyes, I am not prey in general, meaning she has no control over me, and I will break free from these horrible chains that restrain me from even saying my opinion. This relationship was lovely, it bloomed and grew until the grief overtook Other Mother, controlling her to keep things close to her due to losing Jimmy, oh her smile, her laugh, her eyes sparkled when Jimmy was with her, all she is now is a nasty, rude, cold woman. 
I will not be under her control, I had talked to her before, wanting our marriage to be equal again but she always disagreed, so looks like I would have to regain the control I lost and see how she would like it. 
I have decided to start making dinner and slowly each day, her cup has one more drop of poison than the day before had, once I see her dying face, she will know not to treat me with such disgrace. 

The author's comments:

Background Information on the Movie “Coraline” 

Coraline and her family move to a new apartment complex and while her parents are busy writing articles for their garden business, they barely pay attention to her and they are always tired, she explores the rooms and finds a small hole in the wall that needs a key, her mom finds the key and gave it to Coraline. She opens the wall and finds a tunnel, she crawls in and finds herself back in the home, but her parents pay more attention to her and are more optimistic than her normal parents, but their names are “Other Mother” and “Other Father”, they’re both sweet to Coraline and they tuck her in bed and let her fall asleep. She wakes up and finds herself back in the same home as before (meaning no other mother and father), at night again she pays them a visit and realizes Other Mother is being a bit rude to Other Father, on the third night she comes back and realizes Other Mother wants her soul just like the previous three kids that lived in that same apartment and gone missing. Other Mother uses Other Father and other creatures and controls them to get Coraline’s soul, she successfully escapes the other world and comes back to her normal parents. 

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