Darth Vader Speech | Teen Ink

Darth Vader Speech

September 19, 2023
By MinaIshak1 BRONZE, Palm Harbor, Florida
MinaIshak1 BRONZE, Palm Harbor, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Loyal servants of the Galactic Empire, today we stand together united under the power of order, strength, and loyalty to Emperor Palpatine. I am not here to present false hopes or empty promises. This galaxy is constantly plagued by chaos and turmoil. We are in hugely significant times as we strive to bring peace and stability to the galaxy. It was an unsettled galaxy before the Empire rose to power. The Empire seeks to put a stop to the chaos and galaxy-wide devastation. The Rebels wish to destroy this galaxy by removing all balance and order that we work to instill. Rebellion is a threat that we will eliminate. Those who stand against the Empire will face the full might of the Dark Side and will be defeated. However, those who stand with the Empire, who embrace the security and order the Empire offers, will receive rewards beyond measure. Our protection and unity will become the building blocks of a new galaxy free from the chaos that once plagued it. Our enemies, the Rebels, will underestimate us, but they underestimate the power of the Dark Side and Emperor Palpatine. We will enforce his vision which is a galaxy full of peace and tranquility. I implore every one of you to have faith in the Dark Side and your Emperor. Your faith will not be forgotten, and this galaxy will not be left to rot under Rebel rule. Your commitment to the Galactic Empire is vital to the fruition of a new galaxy. Stand with the Galactic Empire and push forward; determined, and unstoppable. Let the galaxy show that the strength of the Empire cannot be overcome. We will restore balance to the galaxy through the power of the Force. We shall take this galaxy from the Rebels and maintain order in this vast realm. For the Empire, for order, and for the future of the galaxy, I command you to march onward. May the Dark Side guide us all and continue to assist us on our path to righteousness. We will create a galaxy in which peace and stability reign supreme eternally.  

The author's comments:

This is a speech written using rhetorical analysis. Rhetorical choices and appeals were used.

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