Mayor BellWether's Villian Speech | Teen Ink

Mayor BellWether's Villian Speech

September 20, 2023
By Anonymous

Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Zootopia, thank you for gathering here today. We face a critical moment in our city's history, one that calls for a serious examination of the balance of power and the safety of our society. 
*Reporter* “Are you suggesting that predators pose a threat?” 
Reports of "Savage" predators have surged in Zootopia, and this pattern is deeply concerning. Instances like a panther attacking our bunny officer were aggressive and unpredictable. Can we trust predators' behavior to be safe? It's time to question who we can trust in society. 
*Reporter* “Have prey posed any potential threat then?” 
The answer to that is not simple, anyone can create problems, it depends on the individual; but prey in general have become the backbone of this city. Prey are needed to run Zootopia smoothly. They value peace and unity, ensuring our society runs smoothly. Businesses and jobs heavily rely on their contributions, maintaining economic stability. Predators' unpredictable nature risks undermining that stability. 
*Reporter* “If you could say anything to prey, what would you say?” 
I understand your fear. Even I am fearful of the current situation. I understand that a lot of you have been thinking that this has come from nowhere, but data shows that we may have known about this for a while. This behavior has been more common than we’d like to admit, but it's time to start being honest with ourselves and the community. As mayor, your safety is my top priority, and I will do everything to protect you from these vicious attacks against our livelihood.  
*Reporter* “What steps will you take to solve this problem?” 
To address this pressing issue, I will be proposing policies that limit the influence and opportunities of predators in our society. We must consider alternatives that minimize predator's leadership roles and control over Zootopia. As you are aware, when the former Mayor was in office, the attacks began, and he was later arrested due to suspicious activities. Fellow prey feel uncomfortable with predators being the face of power in Zootopia, and we should not ignore these concerns. 
In conclusion, I implore each and every one of you to consider the facts, to think about your own safety, and the safety of your loved ones. The time has come for us to question who we can trust in society. We must act fast and decisively to protect our great city from the dangers that lurk within. Let us work together to ensure that Zootopia remains a place where peace and unity thrive, and where we, the prey, can lead our beloved city towards a brighter future. 

The author's comments:

In this speech, I've crafted a villainous monologue for Mayor Bellwether from Zootopia, where her objective is to establish the prey as the dominant group, all while benefiting her own power. Mayor Bellwether's task at the press conference is to persuade the public that predators should not be trusted within the city of Zootopia and that the only solution for society is their separation.

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