how long has it been | Teen Ink

how long has it been

September 27, 2023
By writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt about an eight foot tall woman, Kuchisake onna. Hiding in the many rooms of Winchester mansion, yelling out Po Po Po, over and over. I ran feeling the color maroon enveloping me from all sides. I run to my Oma and as she holds me she says “Ich liebe dich” meaning I love you. She hands me a 1919 soda, it feels so smooth in my mouth as I gulp it down. Suddenly I'm at lake Keesus staring up at the sky. I see the downpour, the water slowly starts rising and as quickly as it began I was rushed away in a stream of water. Now I am looking at myself and seeing a new creature. A gulper eel. I'm disgusting as I see myself but then I think of Venus, Marsha p Johnson, Elliot Page. I feel a wave of enjoyment thinking of the people who I care about. The people I look up to, my first kiss. Suddenly I'm back on land reading Firestarter by Stephen King and feel the flames rise up from the book. Now I know how Joan of Arc felt. I'm scared, I feel like I'm balancing on a tall stack of pancakes. I see my future as a mortician, but as I walk away in my platform mary janes one more thought plagues my mind. I've been asleep and dreaming for 1237 days.

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