The dream I wish never ended | Teen Ink

The dream I wish never ended

September 27, 2023
By player-3 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
player-3 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamed of driving down the road in Orlando Florida a place I thought I could only dream of living in, in a diamond blue car that only few could afford, I knew that my accomplishments would amount to infinity.  As I scurry to the airport to get a plane to go see my family I have no stress from work because I no longer have to work for money since the money works for me.  As I fly across the country I watch a documentary on Martin Luther King junior and how he used symbolism.  As I arrive in my home state with a private driver waiting for me in the slight rain with the sun just barely shining through I head to my grandma's house.  Listening to music I recognize the lyrics, “I could do badly on my own and good by myself”, I realize what I did, and I did it by myself.  I get to my grandma and greet her and the first thing she says is, “Are you hungry”. I said, “Of course I am”, as we proceeded to go get food.  I keep it simple and get pancakes and syrup.  I get distracted by the fish tank with a clownfish that reminds me of Nemo looking at a little plastic unicorn in the tank.  Me and my grandma talk about the crush I never met and how I only ever saw her once on TV, I tell her all about how my office matches my yard because my money is green.  She tells me how she bought a house on Lake Michigan and how she learned Espanol.  As we hurry to an art museum to finish my leftover cherry Dr, Pepper, we get there and we see a replica of the Mona Lisa made by Divinchi, she points out a kid's shoes and I tell her those are the 2023 Nike Air Jordan red cement fours.  Then Tom Cruze found me and said, “Tim wake up”, and then my dream was over.

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