A Supernatural Life | Teen Ink

A Supernatural Life

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

Last night I dreamt a dream that was almost as surreal as a picture of a sunset turning from orange to pink. The taste of the ice cold, crisp, dry pepper on Rosa’s lips left a pleasant burn sensation. Looking out over the Gulf of Mexico, she spotted a great white shark. The home she was in had Renne Noe living in the guest house for the weekend. Rosa grew to love Renne and her husband Jackson. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore mixed with the record player that played “Hey Driver” by Zach Bryan, was the most magnificent mix made possible. There was a beautiful piece of art hung by the walkway from the living room to the kitchen. Is it possible that it was a Vincent Van Gogh painting? Rosa had to make the most of this day because it was her last day before heading back to her job in the city.

The author's comments:

I like writing fictional pieces. 

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