The crying Maiden | Teen Ink

The crying Maiden

October 11, 2023
By Anonymous

Imagine you're in a cold, still, empty palace, nobody in sight just emptiness, the ruins of what use to be for the royal family. Must be hard right? You’ve never experienced something like this before. Would you expect anyone to live here? What do you even think remains? And if anyone dose remain, don’t you think they’d be lonely? Well… have you ever heard of the crying maiden? Yes, you heard me! There is something that remains in these cold, empty, soulless ruins after all. And her name is Alice Danielle Turner!
It was 1448 and Alice just got her job for the royal family. Her job was to be what they called a chamber maid she was supposed to tidy up the bedrooms in the mornings and in the evenings, then during mid-day she watched the royal children. It paid very well but she could not afford rent so like most chamber maids she lived in the castle. Most chamber maids hated their job, but Alice found it calming because ever sense Alice was little, she grew up in an orphanage and in order to get food she had to clean with the rest of the children. Alice originally hated cleaning but as she got older, she grew to love it, it became the only thing she knew, one of her first memories in fact! The other maidens found it weird that she could happily sing, and dance while tidying up the royal's bedrooms, she even mopped the hallways in her free time without pay. But the other maidens couldn’t complain at least her voice sounded bright, and happy, almost like an angel so whenever they heard Alice signing, they stopped and listened until her voice faded into the next room, and they had to get back to work. But the royal children loved her tunes the most it was the only thing the soothed them to sleep at night and it eventually got her a good relationship with the king and queen. She became known as the king and queen’s favorite, a right hand if you will they trusted her for everything and her schedule was extended so now she was no longer just a chamber maid she still had her chamber maid duties of chores but now she was paid to clean with the other maids in the ballroom and kitchen, she was also paid to be the official nanny for the royal children. Things were going perfectly! Well… that was until the villagers turned on the royals. They came up to the castle in early winter yelling about the lack of food, and shelter the royal family provided them that winter. Everyone was angers, and starving so they didn’t think twice to set the inside of the castle ablaze. The fire broke out quickly and Alice was with the children when she noticed the fire. She quickly scooped the kids up out of their beds holding one in each arm before she opened the door and started running for the nearest exit. Both kids where either. Confused or crying historically now after Alice hit one fire wall after another escape seemed hopeless there was no way all of them where making it out alive. Alice then found the nearest window and lowered the children before jumping out after them. But little did Alice know was that an ambush was waiting for them… the baby was almost immediately taken out of her hands, and violently smashed repeatedly with a rock while the older one was watched in horror with Alice before the baby went still and was tossed aside. By now Alice would start crying too as they had no choice but to slowly back into the castle as the angry villagers caved in on them and as soon as Alice knew it the other kid was ripped away from her. He was held up by one arm in front of Alice as the villager grind directly at the child then back at Alice as he brought a torch close to his clothes suggesting that he would be set on fire any minute now. The boy despritly struggled and called out for Alice to save him but Alice was surrounded by pitchforks unable to get to him before he was finally set on fire and dropped to the ground where he was left to suffer until his last breath but even tho the boy was in extreme pain he was still calling out for Alice. Alice then fell to her knees and started crying uncontrollably now screaming ‘STOP IT’ ‘STOP IT’ over and over again before the boy was finally dead. Then the villagers proceeded to drag her to the front of the castle and set her in-front of the castle doors where the king and queen where being kept blindfolded. Alice then pleaded desperately as they put her blindfold on, but it was no use… before her next word could begin to surface an arrow was infused threw, her head. The blindfold slipped off her face as her body went limp, and the life drained from her eyes as one last tear escaped onto her cheek. It all happened too quickly for Alice to even realize that she died all she was now just a cold dead skeleton beneath the castle's ruins alone, lifeless, and confused. Alice Daniella Turner officially dead at 19 547 years ago still haunting whoever visits the castle to the present day.

The author's comments:

To be honest I had no intention of writing this because the crying maiden was originally made when I was up late one night with my thoughts keeping me awake and I was thinking of character ideas, and ideas for a Halloween story when she came to me a story that dates back to midlevel times! And even tho I had school the next morning I quickly sat down at my desk and started writing the story on my laptop. It was only a jump start tho because I was extra tired so I only started with the opening paragraph before I transferred it to my school iPad so I could write it during the day as well. It didn’t take that long to write in-fact it only took a day and a half to finish. But yes, this pice can be triggering for some people so if you can’t handle stuff like murder, gore, or death of any kind I would not advise you to read it.

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