the basketball court | Teen Ink

the basketball court

October 13, 2023
By carterhafer BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
carterhafer BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The basketball court that has always been my home away from home since I was a baby I was on that court. My dad was the biggest name is college basketball history from being a player to being a coach I have been there. But, now that I’m getting all these offers to follow in my dad’s path I am starting to question how much I want this anymore. Everyone is expecting me to be a big name too but if I do will I regret it, so I went to my dad for advice. He really understood me but did he I was always in his shadow, everyone knowing everything about me. Knowing that I decided to follow me and my dad’s dreams on playing in college. When we got to the visit of my dad’s alma mater everything felt way to familiar to grasp. I was starting to question my decision, but I took a few breaths and remembered that I don’t have to go to his alma mater it’s just an option. Every visit we went on it never felt right until we got to Stanford and I was instantly in love and I knew I had to go there. But the only problem was that it was on the other side of the country and so far from North Carolina but, I knew that this is what I wanted and my dad was my biggest supporter. So, that’s just the beginning of becoming myself not someone’s daughter.

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