The Night We Will Never Forget | Teen Ink

The Night We Will Never Forget

October 24, 2023
By morgandemoe133 BRONZE, Star Prairie, Wisconsin
morgandemoe133 BRONZE, Star Prairie, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's Friday, October 13th, and I'm sitting in class waiting for the bell to go off. I've had a headache all day trying to figure out my plans for tonight. This is my only night off in the longest time, and it needs to be memorable.

“Grace!!!” I whip my head around as my friend Marie shouts my name from across the room. As she is running towards me, she continues to yell my name. 

“Hey, Grace, what are your plans tonight?” Marie says. 

“I was trying to figure that out since it's my only night off. Would you want to go do something?” 

I said. She rolls her eyes up, thinking about whether she wants to do something. “I want to hang. I have tennis practice from 3:30 to 5:30, but we can do whatever anytime after that,” she says. 

“Well, I will wait until you are done, and then we can plan something. Maybe we can get a group together and hang out or something?” I said. 

“That's a great idea! I'll ask Lynn, John, Scott, and Nate if they want to hang out,” said Marie.

While Marie is at practice, I made a group chat with all our friends and brainstormed things to do tonight. Everyone wanted food, so we decided we could bring a snack and drink for everyone. It's supposed to be cold tonight, so a bonfire at Scotts' house would be a good idea. While I waited for everyone to be done with their practices, I baked some cookies to share at the party.

It's now 7 p.m., and we are all going to Scotts' house. He made us steak tacos on his grill. As we ate, we sat out by the fire and talked about our plans after high school and if we were ready for school to be done. As we talked, we laughed and had a great time. This usually isn't our regular friend group, but hanging out with different people was fun. 

As we finished our food and the fire was starting to die off, Scott said 

“Maybe we should go inside since it's getting cold out.”

 “Yes, That's a good idea; I'm getting kind of cold,” said John.

We decided to play Cards Against Humanity, played some pool, and watched a scary movie. We all stayed late, mostly up talking about life. 

“Hey, do you guys want to jump in Dwight Lake right now?” said Nate. 

“Of course, I want to jump in the lake,” Marie replied. We all decided to go to the lake and rode together on the way there. We screamed, “I'll be your bright side, baby, tonight,” while listening to the Lummineers. It was around 1 a.m. when we got there and just jumped right in. It was freezing but also very refreshing.

I will never forget this night, being with amazing people and just being with people who make me happy and comfortable. I know I can always count on these friends to stay loyal and stay in my life, and I am forever thankful for these people.  

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