Office Hours | Teen Ink

Office Hours

January 11, 2024
By kayla-b3 BRONZE, Naugatuck, Connecticut
kayla-b3 BRONZE, Naugatuck, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Each morning Nico forced himself out of his creaky bed, brushed his teeth—careful to get his root canal in the back of the bottom row—and slipped into his dry-cleaned pants and button down shirt. Just after kissing his petite wife and three clingy little children goodbye, he rushed out of the door. On his way to his job, he stopped at Archie’s Café and ordered a blueberry muffin and hot black coffee. Before returning home from work in the afternoon, Nico scavenged the office to ensure that all his employees had left, and turned off all but one of the lights. He then blasted some heavy metal while jumping on top of the desks in each cubicle. He used the computer mouses as microphones and rolled all the chairs to one side of the office, as if they were his live audience. He reached into his briefcase, threw on an all black sequined outfit and a black pin-straight wig, and performed from 5:30-7:00, to these office chairs. When he finished his performance, he slipped back into his work attire, calmly drove back home, and greeted his family with warm hugs the moment he opened the door.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a writing prompt I was given in my creative writing class.

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