The Blue City | Teen Ink

The Blue City

March 8, 2024
By racheldruckrey BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
racheldruckrey BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the spectrum of colors, there exists one hue that captivates the hearts and minds of people across the world—blue. The world was first created by an immortal bird, Phoenix, who is associated with the sun. He believes that people can obtain a new life by rising from the ashes. Maybe he is right. Phoenix generated living creatures from a mixture of water and air, all originating from the color blue. Blue has transcended mere pigment to become a symbol of loyalty, freedom, and calmness. 

Cetus, Charybdis, Night Glider, and Pegasus all live in Nun, where the waters tend to always be choppy; therefore it is associated with three qualities: darkness, violence, and endless.

“Please prepare for Hurricane Katrina, it is forecast to move North over the next few days, and could get close to Nun,” said the weatherman. 

“Well, we should probably quickly get some berries and flowers from the garden patch and stay in the clouds,” said Night Glider. 

All of these mythical creatures are in jeopardy for this atrocious tropical storm coming, especially Cetus, a whale-like sea monster and Charybdis, a massive serpent-like creature with an enormous mouth. Even these weighty creatures will not be able to withstand this gale.

Monday morning rolls around, August 29th, 2005, and hurricane Katarina hits the gulf of Nun. In the middle of the night, Cetus and Charybdis are hollering for Night Glider and Pegasus to help them because they don’t have wings to fly to escape the madness of the sea. But they couldn’t hear them; everyone was hollering for help and moving all over the place. After hours of no help, they don’t have enough strength, food, or air to breathe. The waves were at least 50 feet tall and they couldn’t see anything in front of them. Cetus and Charybdis decide to take their lives to a more peaceful place, just like Phoenix told them in the beginning. Not only were Cetus and Charybdis gone but so was 75 percent of the ocean. This was the deadliest hurricane ever with gusts of wind up to 140 mph. No animal could withstand that storm. 

Night Glider and Pegasus were very miserable that their friends were gone and could not withstand living in Nun any longer. Not only were there friends' lives taken, but many things in Nun disappeared; nothing was the same anymore. They decided they needed to have a fresh start. 

Olympus: home to the Greek gods, a legendary place often referred to as the “heavenly threshold.” This city, a juxtaposition of new and old, is filled with fossils from the old world and gifts from the new. They will see the temples, ruins and monuments, all built in dedication to the gods. Now Olympus represents the qualities of blue, changing the qualities of the ocean into something much more peaceful. 

The author's comments:

This piece was very hard for me to come up with. We had to write a myth about a question that really no one in this world could answer and on a true event that happened. Once my teacher said that I instantly thought of the color blue and why everyone's favorite color is blue. Doesn't it make you wonder too?

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