This is God speaking... | Teen Ink

This is God speaking...

March 25, 2024
By nightsranger PLATINUM, Sevenoaks, Other
nightsranger PLATINUM, Sevenoaks, Other
35 articles 6 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Wanting things you can't have makes you want them more and more, sometimes it's better to let it go...

                                                                                              234950873495 B.C.E. 

                                                                                              (Before the Big Bang)  

                                                                                          In the temple of the God(s) 

                                                                                                  Diary Entry #1 

Dear Diary,

I am God. You know, it's tiring being God. I have to be Vishnu, Krishna, and Allah all at once. Sometimes, I must also be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But anyway, for the time being, I am God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent.

Brief pause.

I was born an orphan, you see; in fact, I wasn't born at all: I simply existed. I don't know why I was here or how I came to be, but I do know that a great emptiness enveloped me. It's weird, don't you think, living without a beginning or an end, but knowing how every part of your existence is going to play out. For example, if you ask me right now, I could tell you what will happen in the year 2038 or even in the year 3049. However, all this knowledge in my mind – I hate it. You’d think, surely as God, I'd be free from constraints.

Well, that's what I've been wondering as well.

I'm literally an omnipotent deity, and I can manipulate anything with a snap of my fingers (evidently, that's not what I'm going to do, though, because my actions are predetermined.) However, it's not as simple as that. When I existed in this vast emptiness, I was lonely, so I will create humans in the form of me…to keep me company. But, oh Lord, even if they call me 'Father,' all these sons and daughters I will create are creatures I cannot touch because I'm supposed to be an unknowable higher being to them. Then again, I suppose I can touch them without them knowing; however, what is love when love isn't reciprocated?

These inexplicable things torment me. I'm an orphan because I have no father or mother, no guidance for my existence. I guess I'm “perfect,” but what is perfection if I'm filled with self-doubt? Eventually I’ll hear my children praying to me, and I will wish I could help them, but their lives are already purposed. Their existence is predetermined by my omniscience, so how can I aid them in their misery – the same misery I cast inside of them from the beginning?

On the bright side, I can treat them to heaven…at least those who believe in me. Of course, I love every one of my children, but the entrance to my heaven is an exclusive membership, a gift for the genuine believers in me – the all-powerful God himself. As for the others, I will still love them, but they must be cast aside, thrust into eternal damnation…why? I want to save them and bring light into their eyes, but I can't. I don't know why.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I guess I'm human after all…

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