Roller Coaster Story | Teen Ink

Roller Coaster Story

May 26, 2024
By Softballbri23 BRONZE, Carson, California
Softballbri23 BRONZE, Carson, California
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The summer of 2018 my mom and I went to Orlando Florida for summer vacation. We went to all the Disney Parks they had and on our last day my mom surprised me with tickets to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida. When we got there I did not expect it to be big because the one in LA is small with less rides. We were standing in line to get through the entrance so we could hurry and start walking through the park. When we got into the park It was really hot, people had spray bottles with the fan, and people were drinking lots of water. We started to walk around because we wanted to look around before we got into the rides. As we were walking around we passed by this ride called “Jurassic park” and I could only see the best part of the ride which was the drop and the water splashing when they hit the bottom. It looked so cool.

I told my mom, “We have to go on that ride.”

My mom said, “OK! Let's go!”

When we got to the line we saw that the line was almost 2 hours long. We were dreading to wait because we hate long lines but we realized all the lines are going to be like this. In the line we were playing phone games so the time could go by faster, other people started to play with us because they were bored as well. The line started to go by faster and we were moving closer and closer until we finally came up to the gate and I was so excited for it to open so we could get on the ride. The gates finally opened and me and my mom sat down and put our seat belt on. 

My mom asked, “Are you excited! Do you think it is going to be good?”

I responded with, “I'm really excited! Especially for the water drop.”

The workers checked our seatbelts and put their thumbs up notifying the other workers to start the ride. The ride finally took off and I was getting more excited. As the ride was going we went through a loop and it was unexpected because it was in the dark. After the first loop I was expecting another one but instead of another loop it went straight for the drop. When we landed for the drop water came up and splashed us everywhere. After the drop the ride was going straight and all you can see around you were dinosaurs and there were speakers talking about different parts of the Jurassic Park movie. Also the speakers were talking about when dinosaurs existed. It was so fun. 

When the ride came to a stop I told my mom, “Hurry we have to go take a picture of the pictures they took of us!” 

She responded, “OK! Hurry, let's go!”

When we ran downstairs we took the picture and I told my mom, “We have to go again!”

She responded with, “Yes! but we have to go on other rides after or we won't have time to go on all the other rides.”

I said, “Ok! Let’s hurry and get in line so it doesn't get longer. ” 

When we got in line the second time we saw that there was a single rider lane. Me and my mom usually go on single rider because it goes by way faster but the first time we try a ride we like to go together.

I asked my mom, “Do you want to go on single rider so it can go by faster?”

My mom responded, “Yea, let’s try it.”

We went in the single rider lane and it was only a 5 minute wait. A lot of people do not like to go on single rider because everyone wants to go together but as long as me and mom get on the ride we do not care. After we got on and off the ride and got our picture I wanted to go again but I also wanted to experience all the other rides as well. 

I told my mom, “I want to go again but if we are able to get through everything do you want to go again?”

My mom responded, “Yes, Let’s hurry if you want to go on this ride again.”

After we agreed to go on the ride if we had time, we started to experience all the other rides but towards the end we did not end up going on the ride again. We did not go on the ride again because we were on the other side of the park in a line for a ride but by the time we got off the park would be closed so we there was no point of trying if the park was closed already. I would love to come back to this ride if we ever come to the Universal Studios out here again because it was so worth the wait. 

The author's comments:

This piece was explaining me an mom in line for a really fun ride but the line was really long.

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