Mothers of Nature | Teen Ink

Mothers of Nature

September 4, 2009
By mistfairy BRONZE, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
mistfairy BRONZE, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can change your mind, your clothes, your hair, almost anything. The one thing youcan't change is who you are.

Covered by a pile of blankets in a back alley of New York, was a new born girl. This girl was very unique in her own way and unloved. She had been dumped by her father who no longer cared for her. Her mother had died giving birth, and for that he didn't want anything to do with her. The only reason he would still care a little was that she was his daughter.

Now wrapped in the soft pink blanket that her mother made for her, she lay crying in the dark. No one bothered to stop and help the defenseless child. As her cries began to die down, two arms embraced her small body. The arms belonged to a fierce elderly woman. When the baby's eyes met those of the woman’s, her crying ceased.

“It’s alright. Shhhhh.” she cooed. “I won't let anything happen to you, Kayko.” She cradled the baby to her chest. Then she, the baby and the storm all left the town.

A slight breeze blew across my face, waking me from my dream. The dream was bubbling in my mind. It was the day that Nanu took me in. Nanu had told me the story of how she found me sometime when I was six. Ever since I have had a dream about it. I always asked Nanu about my parents, but she always said 'I never met them' and then she would drop the subject. One thing that Nanu never told Kayko was that she had watched as her father laid Kayko in the al

Kayko snuggled the blanket Nanu found her in, then got out of the bed. She pulled on her socks, shoes, and coat. She grabbed her bag and walked out into the living room, stuffing the blanket into the bag.

Kayko looked around to see if Nanu was around. She wasn't. Kayko continued to the door of the cabin. As a floorboard creaked under her foot, she opened the door and ran. The winds blew around her as she hiked down the Appalachian range. When she was almost to valley floor she started to realize that she was a little angry. Mainly because the snow was in a torrent around her. What caused the anger was her thinking about her father might have wanted to leave her out in a blizzard.

“Think happier, calmer thoughts,” She sighed to herself. A few minutes later the snow calmed. “Better.”

For the past ten years Nanu had thought Kayko how to control the weather with her emotions. This started on her sixth birthday. Nanu never explained, she just said that Kayko would understand soon enough. Kayko thought that soon enough would never come.

Kayko's father, Gerald Bestoon, was still alive but he has gotten older. He is a journalist for the Valensburg Gazette. He used to love being a humble novelist, but now he can only write news reports. Ever since his wife died he lost all that meant something to him. His job, reputation, and family.

He passes by the alley everyday in hopes of finding his daughter standing there smiling at him. He has thought about that because he went back to get her 30 minutes later, only to find her gone. So now he sits in his living room thinking about her, imagining that she is on her way tot he alley to look for him.

He was sitting in his lay-z-boy listening to Sharel, his niece. Sharel never stopped talking about anything. Even id you asked her to. “Hey Uncle Gerald?' she said while waving her hand in front of his face. “Someone called earlier.”

“Who were they? What did they want?” Gerald grunted, not very enthused.

“It was the Gazette. They want you on a story.” Sharel replied “Be at the Royale Cafe at 3p.m.”

“It's one-thirty. If you want to come with you had better start getting ready.” he gestured to the clock as he spoke.

Sharel got up and headed to the stairs. She gazed at a picture of her mother and her aunt, both pregnant. “What ever happened to Aunt Kat and her baby?” Sharel asked.

“Later Sharel, go get dressed.” her uncle commanded.

When Sharel came back down it was almost two o'clock. “Is it later yet?” she whined. “Please tell me Uncle Gerald.”

“I guess so.” he sighed.

As he told her the tale of his wife and daughter, his daughter at that moment was in the alley where he had left her. It had taken her eight days to get to Valensburg but she still had managed it. She cried as she saw the homeless kids running around without shoes, with only light weight garments, and small blankets. She wanted to scoop them up in her arms and make then all happy and warm. As she thought about it being warm she suddenly felt the sun beating down on her back.

“Why won't Nanu tell me why the environment reacts to my emotions” she said to herself. “And thoughts.” Kayko she looked up and saw a sign that read “ROYALE CAFE” She went inside and asked where she was. Apparently she was in Valensburg.

As she pondered her thoughts Nanu was on her way to Kayko's father's house. Nanu was intent on bringing her back and teaching her about the Mother's of nature.

“Ah, here is the place.” she knocked on the door, holding the thin piece of paper she had used to write his address on.

“Yes, may I help you?” a young woman answered.

“Is Mr. Bestoon home?” Nanu smiled, waiting to be let in.

“Yes but would you mind coming back later? He will be leaving soon.” she glanced backwards.

“Oh, I can wait for him to come out. I just want a little talk with him. I'll walk him to where he is going. ”Nanu used her charming smile on her.

“I don't know. He really isn't in the mood for company right now.” the lady was stalling, unsure.

“Sharel, I am leaving.” a man called from down the hall. “Are you coming with me?”

“Okay, you have a visitor at the door that won't leave,” she answered.

“I’ll take it then,” he huffed. “Who is it?”

“I don't know. She hasn't given me her name yet.” she glanced warily at him as he appeared in the door way, brief case in hand.

“I have to talk to you this instant.” Nanu poked a finger at him. “You give her back before I break your nose.”

Who have I got that you want?” Gerald moved her finger. “If you threaten me again I will call the police.”

“Police shmolice. I want Kayko back. I want her back now,” she commanded.

“Who is this Kayko you are talking about?” he asked “Why would I want her?”

“She is your daughter. That is why you would want to keep her from me,” she spat. Then covered her mouth, as she realized that he didn't know Kayko was in town.

“My daughter?” he choked. Leaning down and grabbing the collar of her shirt he lifted her off the ground, tears spilling out. “Where is she? Why hasn't she come to see me?”

“I have no clue where she is, and that is why I am here. She came to find you and she hasn't returned.” she moved his hands from her collar while speaking. She felt his hands shake as he let go.

“What does she look like?” He gasped, searching through his brief case for a piece of paper. “What is her name, or what does she go by?”

“What do you mean what does she go by?” Nanu looked at him accusingly as he started to pace. “She goes by the name that I gave her Kayko. What name did you give her?”

“Does it matter?” he glanced away from her gaze. Caving in he answered “Alice, Alice Valerie Bestoon.” Nanu, for once, was lost for words. As she heard the pain in his voice.

“I have to head to a meeting later where do you think she is?” he asked Nanu.

“Probably that alley you left her in.” Nanu said.

Nanu and Gerald ran to his meeting place, Kayko was staring at the clock, in the Cafe. She had been sitting in the cafe for a while. It was now 2:45. She was getting bored, so she got up and headed for the door. Why can't I make time go faster? She thought as she passed by a crowd.

Headed toward the alley she tripped over a young girl, sleeping. She bent down and touched her. Whoever she was, she was icy cold and not moving. Kayko screamed and ran from the alley knowing that she was dead. She ran until she lost sight of the alley. When she looked around her and couldn't find the Cafe, and she got scared. She ran straight into two people. One was Nanu, the other a man she didn't know.

“Nanu thank god you're here. I was so scared.” Kayko put her arms around Nanu and cried.

“What happened?” Nanu hugged her back. “Why are you crying?”

“The child, in the alley.” she stuttered. “She’s dead. I touched her.”

Gerald looked at her in awe; she was the spitting image of his wife. He couldn't say anything, he was so happy. He unknowingly came forward. He finally was in reach of her. She looked up as he touched her shoulder. A tear slide down her cheek at the same time one slide down his.

“You're so beautiful. Just like your mother.” He stroked her face. “How have you been, Alice?”

“Alice?” she looked puzzled. “Is that my name?”

“Yes. That was the name that your mother gave you, when we started thinking of names.” he stammered.

“Oh.” She said. “Why did you leave me in that alley?” Nanu's shaky hand against her shoulder made her look away.

“I went back and you weren't there. I didn't know what else to do. ” He tried to hide the pain but failed. “I have been wishing for you ever since” he couldn't finish.

They walked back to the Bestoon house with many unanswered questions. Just entering the gate Kayko looks around to Nanu like a daughter to a mother. Then to Gerald and smiled, happy to finally be home.

As Nanu lay in her new bed in the Bestoon house, she tells Kayko “you, my dear are now one of the long line of mothers.”

“What mothers?” Kayko questioned.
“Mothers of Nature.” Nanu said as she took one last shaky breathe.

The author's comments:
This is about a girl who is looking for her father. at the end she finds out some very interesting secrets.


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